Chapter 9 - Sparks ♡

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I was at a complete loss of words as Aizawa disappeared down the corridor. I placed a shaky hand against the wall trying to keep my balance as my legs felt like jelly.

He didn't even tell me where to meet for our date.

"Miss, you totally kicked ass today!" I turned around to see a pumped up Kirishima, followed by a forever angry Bakugou. I smiled as they walked past, Kirishima waving at me enthusiastically.

I wonder why Bakugou is angry all of the time.

Throughout the rest of the day I was distracted from my work as I couldn't stop thinking about Shouta. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't seem to push him out of my mind.

It wasnt long before the shattered students had finished for the day,much to their pleasure. Sudden realisation hit me as I realised I was just about to go on a date with Eraserhead himself.

Why are you fangirling. He should be fangirling over you, you're a hero too!

I tried to psyche myself up, worrying about how things would go. Stepping outside I was met by an ice cold droplet of rain on my left check.

Man, why did I bother with makeup today.

I wandered over to the large metal gate, drenching myself In icy cold rain. I could feel my so called waterproof mascara running down my chubby cheek. I didn't care about my makeup anymore, Shouta had already managed to make me feel great about myself. It was Just the confidence boost I needed. I thought back to the happy memory, letting slip a goofy smile.

"What's so funny?" I gasped, swivelling around to see Aizawa staring down at me with a stoic expression. I blushed, wiping the mascara from my reddened cheeks.

"Come on, your soaking." He walked Infront of me, expecting me to follow him. I obeyed, entranced by the well built figure of his body which was highlighted by his wet clothes clinging to him . I jogged forward slightly, attempting to catch up with him.

"Oi, where are you taking me." He let out a huff before answering.

"I'm taking you to my house."

"Um, well. H-how am I supposed to b-buy you a coffee then?" I started shivering mostly because of the cold but also because I would be alone with Aizawa in his house.

This has to be a dream.

I pinched my left arm gently wondering if I would wake up.

Holy shit. No fucking way this is real?

Still walking, he turned to look at me. "I'll make you a hot chocolate and we can watch a film."

My heart leapt a little, we were going to watch a movie at his? Alone?

This Is so romantic I'm gonna cry.


He placed his finger on my lips ushering me to shush. "I insist."

If my heart doesn't calm down I might go into cardiac arrest before we even get there.

I couldn't get a read on this man at all, I wasn't convinced he even liked me let alone respected me. His expressions seemed to stretch from one stage of stoic to the next.

He must feel bad for me. That has to be it, right?

As we kept walking I noticed he was more chatty than usual and had opened up to me a tiny bit more. He was definitely a hard shell to crack but I guess that was what made him so mysterious and intriguing.

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