Chapter 3 - Short Circuit ♡

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The time finally came for me to head home. I couldn't stop yawning and eventually found myself rubbing my eyes in annoyance.

I cant wait to get to sleep.

I stepped out of the building to see the weather was stormy, the sky swirling with orange tinted clouds. I had to admit, I loved this kind of weather.

This would be romantic if I weren't so damn single.

I took a few steps forward and was hit by a strong gust of wind which pushed me slightly. The air was icy but I loved it anyways, taking in every second of it. I shivered in the cold, rubbing my arms frantically.

The rain was extremely heavy and I was completely drenched in a matter seconds. As much as I loved the rain I prayed I didn't run into a villian In this weather. Using my quirk in conditions such as this was extremely dangerous, since water conducts electricity. It was also extremely powerful and would be useful if there were no civilians around. I longed to be able to lash out with my power and not have to deal with any consequences.

Okay, Blackout. We gotta be cautious.

I couldnt risk endangering innocent lives, not again. That single thought pushed me to walk quicker to get home, each step faster, untill I was inevitably running. The cold rain seemed to fall heavier with each thunder clap. It felt as if it was clawing at my cheeks as it ran down. Briefly, I admired the lightning as it lit the sky a deep purple colour.

I wonder if anyone admires my power the way I look at lightning?

Infront of me was a tall, soaking figure sauntering along without a care in the world. I could instantly tell by his figure and long black hair that it was Shouta Aizawa. His hair was drenched and drapped lazily across him.

I would hate to deal with the reprocussions of that.

As quick as I could I caught up to him, asking why he was walking so slowly In this weather.

"It's just a little storm." He replied coldly, glancing at me from side. I blushed as we made eye contact, taking in his tired looking eyes. I studied his scar before looking away abruptly.

"I didn't realise you walked this way too. Do you live nearby?"

He let out a rough grunt in response.

Was that a yes?

This small talk killed me so I tried my best to break the ice. The silence seemed to consume us both, looking down I contemplated walking off on my own, id get more of a conversation out of myself, anyways. It seemed impossible trying to break his hard shell but I knew I could do it, even if it took a while.

"I only moved back here like 5 months ago...".

I could tell he wasn't interested in my story so I shut my mouth.

Damn it. How can it be so hard to have a conversation with you.

Sighing I quickened my pace and began to walk off. There was only so much of his introverted attitude I could take.

"How was your first day?" He murmured quietly. Shocked to hear him trying to make an effort I stuttered slightly in response, slowing down until I was by his side yet again.

"Y-you were there.."

"I was asleep."

Ah, that's right so you were.

"They seem like they'll do well. It's crazy how much potential they have."

The corners of Aizawas mouth quivered a little, hiding a smile. He obviously cared about these kids with all his heart. I admired that wholeheartedly .

I bet you're a sweetheart deep down, Mr Aizawa.

Behind that hard exterior and cold manner there has to be a deep warmth .

We were both startled, flinching as the lightning was striking In quick succession around us.

"This weather is dangerous. We should hurry." He commanded, raising his voice to be heard above the thunder claps. Without questioning his authoriry, I simply complied and began to pick up the pace.

I tilted my head realising infront us a young boy wearing a UA uniform was playing around on his phone. I didn't recognise him so I assumed he was in a different course. Looking at this boy playing with his phone in a thunderstorm, I couldn't help but sigh.

Surely this kid has something better to do with his time.

"Hey, get out of this weather" Aizawa growled at the boy. He turned around nervously and nodded. He was obviously afraid of Aizawa and I could see why. He was extremely intimidating.

As if in slow motion I noticed a large bolt of lightning aiming for the boys phone. My legs instinctively charged up causing Aizawa to flinch slightly as the sparks flew from my body. I rapidly bounded through the air grabbing the phone in one hand and pushing the boy as hard as I could out the way with the other.

He landed a few meters away, startled. Out of the corner of my (e/c) eye I watched as he ran the opposite direction. With a loud crash the lightning struck the phone and sent a high voltage of electricity through my body. I gasped trying not to scream. The pain was searing through veins, my whole body lit up in an explosion of light pushing me to the floor. I felt as if my whole body was about to burn from the inside out.

Electricity surrounded me, sparks dancing around my hands. Through my skin you could see my veins lit up boldly from the over charged electricity flowing through my bloodstream. All I could smell was burning as I watched Aizawa sprint to me, his face filled with concern and shock that I was still conscious. He reached out to me and I snapped at him to keep back and not touch me.

"I-I d-don't want to h-hurt you." I coughed, worrying Aizawa would touch me and get himself electrocuted. After warning him my eyes dimmed, falling closed. I lay unconscious searing with an over abundance of power. The taste of iron lingering in my mouth.

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