Chapter 7 - Flustered ♡

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Yet again I woke up on my soft, warm couch, to see Caleb's beady eyes studying me intensely. I found myself waking up on the couch alot these days. My insomnia had gotten alot worse over the past few weeks to the point where I gave in to it. I would sit up watching TV or reading a book untill the early hours of the morning hoping to finally tire myself out. In my mind, it made more sense to keep myself occupied thorought the night rather than lying there, tossing and turning. I rubbed my eyes violently while I looked in the mirror, I scoffed seeing the reflection. My skin was as white as a sheet and I had vivid dark circles under my eye. My hair was all over the place, covered in knots and tangles. Usually I came to work bare faced, but today I wanted to wear makeup. I had a date with Shouta that had turned me into a nervous wreck.

I don't even think he knows it's a date.

What the hell is wrong with me.

Is it a date?

I knew I also had to fight him today, thanks to the students. Knowing this I sighed thinking that no matter what, my makeup would be ruined. Ignoring this thought I picked up my make up bag and made a start. Unfortunately I wouldnt have time after the fight to re do my make up. I could maybe fix it a little, but that was about it. I put on a nice foundation that didn't look too obvious but still made me look a little tanned. My eyes were subtley covered in sparkling gold and lined with black eyeliner, making a wing that reached my eyebrows. I gently brushed my lashes with mascara and fluttered them when I was happy with how long they were. They were already fairly long to begin with so it didn't take too much. I wanted to keep this look subtle for work so I didn't bother with anything else except for a honeycomb flavoured lipbalm.

Mmm. My favourite.

I noticed Aizawa before he reached the gate to UA as he entered. Quickly, I propelled myself towards him, accidentally went a little too far and ending up waiting on him to catch up. "Hey Shouta, looking forward to today?"

He looked me up and down. His eyes took in my painted face and i couldn't help but feel a little insecure.

Did I overdo it? Why isn't he mentioning it?

"Hey speedy". My jaw dropped, does this mean he likes me?

"Are you nervous?" I poked him in the side, hoping he wouldn't see I was also a nervous wreck.

"You mean for our date, right?" His flat monotone voice echoes in my mind.

Eeek. He called it a date!

I couldn't help but scream to myself in my head, blush dusting over my slightly chubby cheeks.

Stop fangirling over Eraserhead.

"I uh actually meant the fight..."

Shouta stopped dead in his tracks realising he had put his foot In it. I noticed him take a large gulp, he stuttered slightly before answering


"So, Shouta" I linked my arm with his feeling his muscles tense up. He didn't expect me to be so forward with him and truth was neither did I. I was just trying to fake my confidence to make myself feel slightly better. Since it was early, there was no students around, so I felt a bit more comfortable teasing him. "Its a date then?" I pestered. By the sigh he made I could tell he knew I was trying to make him nervous.

We both stood there, awkwardly, until Aizawa turned round to face me. He placed his hands on my waist, moving them towards my back as he leaned in close to me. I stumbled back startled, which only made him pull me tighter into him. His hot breath touched my face as I stared intently at his lips. "Yes." His low voice made my body shiver. His right hand traced my figure as he moved it up to my face, pushing a runaway strand of hair behind my redenned ear. His dry lips moved closer to my now exposed ear. I trembled as he whispered to me, "Look who's flustered now." With that he pulled away, grinning at me. He knew exactly what he was doing and he was good at it. I felt his hand leave my waist as he left me standing there wanting more.

What the hell was that.
My body shook uncontrollably as I watched him enter the school waiting a few moments before I headed in. Everyone was in the staff room, except for Aizawa.

Why the hell did you let your feelings get to this.

After a while, I was the only one left in the lounge. I was use to being alone, so I felt some comfort in the silence. Laying my head on the desk, gradually I fell into a well needed sleep.

I woke up and checked the time on my watch, panic set in as i realised i was about 20 minutes late for class. Immediatly I jumped up, knocking the chair away from beneath me. I was late.

How the hell did you manage to fall asleep. This is going to look just wonderful.

I bolted out the door and In a panic my legs charged up, sending me flying through the corridors at an impressive super speed. Just as I reached the stairs, Shouta popped into my mind distracting my mindset. I could see his lips and feel his hot breath against me one again. Shivers ran down my spine, before I knew it my body felt hot and clammy. I hit the first step without paying attention which sent me flying over the edge. I was tumbling down the stairs, with some speed, thanks to my power. I couldn't pull myself out of it as everything was a blur.

And to think someone like me is a pro hero.

With a thud I crashed into a tall mass at the bottom of the stairs sending it flying with me. When my vision cleared I seen a wide eyed Shouta beneath me groaning In pain. Blush dusted my cheeks as I swept a raven strand from his tired face. "Thanks for breaking my fall." I joked, trying to get off him. He stood up slowly, brushing himself off. I did the same, except when I got to my feet it felt like the ground was moving beneath me. I tried to step forward and fell straight into Shouta who managed to catch me in his strong arms. I couldn't help but notice how warm and inviting he was. His heart beat was racing , but that might be due to the fact I crashed into him at a super speed. He held me forward, looking at me with concern mixed with confusion in his eyes "What would you do without me" he coaxed.

"I don't think I could live without you" I blurted out without thinking. My eyes widened as my hands shot to cover my mouth.

That was so dumb, why the hell would you say that. Now he thinks you are a total weirdo.

I looked up at Shouta who was also a bright shade of pink, to break the tension I poked him in the ribs and teased, imitating those words he said to me outside "Who's flustered now?".

Turning away, about to go find our students, he stopped me with his warm hand around my wrist. Our eyes met, I scanned his lips as they moved. "Are you hurt?" I shook my head like a child.

"No I'm okay... are you?" He also shook his head and walked over until our feet were parallel.

"Come on,let's get back to class" he aggressively grabbed my hand and pulled me with him.

"Why were you running at such a speed, anyways?"

"I late"

"Yes. I'm well aware. Hence the reason I came to find you."

I chuckled, imagining the scene over in my head. "I guess I really do owe you that coffee."

I noticed him smirk as I glanced towards him.

"I guess you do."

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