Chapter 23 - Origin∆

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I was jogging down the uneven cobbled path absolutely ecstatic that I was now a fully fledged hero. No longer was I a sidekick. I had an amazing resoonsibility, the civilians trusted me, although the heroes never failed to make me feel like a child.

She's so young.

Is she even old enough to be a hero?

The sky was clear besides a couple of stray white fluffy clouds that reassembled marshmallows. This first week of being a professional hero had gone extremely well so far. Everything had fell in my faviour, I was finally making a positive differemce to the world. However,It felt quits strange being alone, since until now I had always had someone by my side. Now I was capable of making my own decisions, I was confident in my ability as a hero.

"Hey! It's Blackout!" I waved towards the excitable bunch of children that whispered enthusiastically about me. The people who were interested in me seemed to be particularly fascinated by my flashy quirk.

It was a nice feeling.

As I swung around the corner I was immediately met by a large plume of smoke radiating from the building in front of me.

No time to waste.

Electricity flooded my legs as I charged towards the burning building without I thought. This is what I had trained for. My feet grinded to a halt as I assessed the situation going on.

Flames were evident throughout the windows of the binding and the whole structure looked completley unstable. Fortunately for any victims imside, as a hero it was my duty to put my life in danger for them. I smirked, adrenaline filling my arrogant body.

If anyone is still inside.

I'll save them.

Soon a small crowd had gathered outside, watching the commotion as they gossiped to eachother. Low screams inside made me aware that someones life was defitnley in danger. Calming myself down, I shielded my face, making my way towards the enterance.

"Hey!" I yelled, banging the door down with one hard kick. "Anyone in here!" I spoke sternly, attempting to keep my cool.

"Help!" A manly voice screeched. "Please! My daughter! She's in danger!" I followed the voice only, it grew louder and louder as I approached it.

"It's okay, I'm here to help." I cooed, trying to put him at ease. The man lay still under the stairwell, crushed by some hefty rubble. It looked as if the stairs had fallen through, crushing him on impact. A few crimson flames licked the upper flow, menacingly, threatening to consume us. I kneeled down, assessing the state of the bulky man. His legs were crushed, and looked to be completely shattered, along with one of his arms. I took notice of the sickly metallic smell, realising he was infact, lying in a pool of his own blood.

"I'm going to try my best to get you out, but it's going to hurt a hell of a lot."

"N-no" he exhaled raggedly. "My daughter...she's upstairs." I glanced towards the top of the stairs, hissing at the view.

There's no way she is still alive up there

"I'm sorry." I shook my head sympathetically. "The fire, there's no way she-"

"You c-can't just leave her to die, p-please." Tears were now streaming down his ash ridden cheeks. My heart sunk in my chest, mulling over my options.

It's likely too late for her but I can save this man, I just need to focus on him.

I gritted my teeth attempting to keep ahold of my composure. Although I told myself that all hope for his daughter was lost, part of me knew that deep down, I was just too afraid.

Maybe, I really am too young to be a professional hero.

I shook my head violently,pulling myself from these pessimistic thoughts. Now, I had to focus. "I'm sorry..." I croaked. "Right now, your life is my priority."

"No!" He began yelling and thrashing out with his free hand hysterically. I felt physically sick knowing too well that I had broke his aching heart. I couldn't possibly imagine what he was feeling right now.

I'm sorry.

I gulped, trying to pry the rubble from him he continued to plead for his daughter. The screams rung through my skull making me feel physically sick. As I eventually dragged him out, he tore at my hero suit, aswell as my heartstrings. His clenched fists beat my body over and over, tears welling in both of our eyes.

"We'll take it from here." I nodded relieved as the paramedics entered the doorway. They kneeled down next to the man who I was crouched next to. "Is there anyway you can take care of the fire?" The shorter one questioned, nervously glancing from me towards the flames that were slowly creeping downstairs.

"M-My daughter" the man whisperer, I could swear there was a scowl on his face aimed at me. I averted my gaze, unaware of the right words.

That was when things took a turn for the worse.

"AHHHH!!" A high pitched scream reverberated through the house, shaking the rubble slightly. I stood up instanly, glancing towards the wide eyed man.

"Please!" He yelled rather desperately, attempting to fight the paramedics off. I nodded sternly, whispering how sorry I was that I never tried earlier to rescue her.

I'm a fool.

Without thinking my legs charged up, sending myself bounding up the stairs. I pushed abruptly of the wall a surge of electricity flowing through my veins. As my emotions tore me up inside my energy flow grew in concentration. I was overwhelmed with a blazing anger towards myself, followed by a desperate urge to rescue the frightened girl.



"NO!" The girls father let out a blood curdling scream as the house fell apart. Rubble destroyed what was below me, silencing the faher and the paramedics. My eyes widened in regret realising my flashy quirk set off a deadly amount of energy causing some sort of large explosion in the houses electrical works. The electricity fizzled throughout the house setting off a chain reaction of destruction.

"YOU'RE NOT A HERO! YOURE A MONSTER!" His desperate wails caught me off guard, as he struggled under another piece of rubble. I was stunned, completely unaware that the ceiling was crumbling around me. My head spun as I heard a loud creak above me. I attempted to dodge as the ceiling fell through. A beam struck me in the ribs, pushing me through a wooden door to my right. My vision blurred for a second as I attempted to push myself up from my feet shaking. The flames danced all over me, making me scream in pain.

"Help me!" A shrill caught my attention.

There she was. The petrified young girl lay there, hugging onto her teddy bear for dear life. Blood soaked through her innocent white clothes as she clucthed her stomach. All around me the room creaked, sending shivers down my spine.

I was afraid.

My mind was hazy, filled with a mix of emotions. As much as I wanted to run towards the frail girl and help her, my body was frozen. I was almost paralysed In fear, tears soaking my cheeks.

Why can't I move.

It was surprising how she stull clung onto life, surrounded by flames and rubble.

This is all my fault.

Her head tilted to look at me, begging for help. Her tiny blood stained hand reached out to me with utter desperation. Tears streamed down her cheeks as her lips parted to say something.


She was gone.

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