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I'm sorry this is not a long chapter this is just a filter. The next chapter should be posted tomorrow. Once again sorry for the short chapter.

Tiff P.O.V

"Tiff it's gonna be okay."

"No it's not August. They said she might never wake up."

"You gotta think positive."

"Man whatever can we go?" I asked

"No, we going back there to see Justice."

"I can't do it August." I said barely above a whisper

"Why not?"

"I-I feel like it's all fault she in here if I never went to my momma house she wouldn't be laying in this hospital."

"You gotta be strong for Justice. At least talk to her and let her know that you love her."

"Can you come with me?"

"Yea, I'm coming." He replied

I slowly got up and made my way to the pediatric ICU unit. For some reason I was scared.

When we got in the room she was bandaged up with cords all over the place. They had her on life support and everything else. She looked dead and fragile. I was scared to touch her. The thought that they said she might not make it through the night was slowly tearing me apart on the inside. If she do wake up she might be a vegetable or worse. I pulled up a chair and sat down.

"Tiff she's gonna make it through this don't stress about it."

"August I don't want to hear that" I snapped

"I was just trying to....never mind." He mumbled

"I'm sorry August I didn't mean to snap on you." I apologized as I held Justice hand

"It's ok."

"Justice it's mommy. I know you prolly can't hear me right now but I want you to know that I love you." I said kissing her forehead

"But girl I need you to wake up for me. I need you Justice. Please just wake up." I begged while I cried a river

August P.O.V

I was sitting here listening to Tiff talk to Justice while I shed a few tears. It's breaking my heart seeing Tiff like this. She don't deserve this at all. Tiff momma petty as fuck for that shit. I hope they kill her ass in prison for that shit. Hmm where is Jordan fuck ass? Never mind I spoke to soon here he come walking in here now. Tiff should beat his ass to since he wanna act like it's his child now.

"What do you want Jordan?" Tiff questioned him

"I'm tryna see my daughter."

"Now she yo daughter fuck outta here Jordan. I don't have time fo yo bullshit."

"Really Tiff it's like that."

"You got two seconds to leave before I beat yo ass." She yelled

"Fine but I will be back."

Tiff rolled her eyes and focused all her attention back on Justice and the monitors. I started to doze off when I heard Tiff screaming bloody murder. She was screaming and shaking Justice. I looked at Justice and she was having a seizure while the monitors was going off. Tiff pushed the button for a nurse when like three nurse and a doctor rushed in. I had to pull Tiff off of Justice so the doctors can fix whatever is wrong. Tiff was putting up a fight so I threw her over my shoulder so we can go back into the waiting room. I sat her down in the chair and she was hyperventilating.

"Tiff calm down before you have an anxiety attack."

"How imma calm down when my daughter is back there prolly dead huh?" She cried

"Come on you gotta be strong." I said as I pulled her into a hug

"I'm trying August. I can't do this no more." She cried into my chest

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