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Tiff P.O.V

Words can't describe what was going through my head right now. I turned around to see my momma standing there smirking. As much as I wanted to murk her ass I had to check on my baby girl. I ran down the stairs and picked up her limp body. She had a very faint pulse. Justice was bruised up so bad and a gash on the side of her head. It was just pouring blood. I took my jacket off, applied pressure, and call 911. On the outside I'm calm but on the inside I'm ready to kill somebody. I was trying to keep it together for her.

"She still alive?" My mom asked sounding like she don't care

"You know what imma fuck yo ass up." I didn't even notice my dad and Marquis walk in

"Hit me little girl I dare you."

She ain't have to tell me twice. I swung at her and hit her in the nose causing her to stumble backwards. I took that as a opportunity to charge at her and that's what I did. I charged at her and knocked her down. I repeatedly punched her in the face blacking out.


"You don't remember what happened Tiff?" Marquis asked handing me a ice pack

"No, I blacked out."

"You fucked her up. One of her eyes swollen shut."

"I could care less, she did just as much damage to me."

"The police had to use the stun gun cuz they couldn't get you off of her."

"She lucky I'm not on probation no more. I'm ready for April ass now wait till I see her I'm fucking her up on spot."

"You need anger management."

"Whatever, I wanna see Justice." I said tearing up

"She gonna be-"

"Tiff where Justice at." Jordan yelled running over to me

I just shrugged my shoulders and broke down. All I could do was pray she was ok. We been sitting here for a hour. All I know she could be coma or worse. I gotta think positive but it's so hard to think positive. Where is August when I need him?

August P.O.V

I was laying down in my room on the phone with Destiny checking up on her when my momma barged in my room. It better be important for her to walk in here like that. I told Destiny I'll check up on her tomorrow and hung up.

"What's wrong with you momma?" I asked

"You little boy." She fussed waving her finger in my face

"What I did momma?"

"Tiff been trying to call you all day and you been sending her to voicemail. She is going thru hell right now at the hospital and you can't even call her back to see what she needed."

"Why she in the hospital?"

"I'm not telling you little boy, you better call her and ask her." She said walking out my room

I'm not even fenna call Tiff. I decided to go straight to the hospital. Hopefully everything is fine. Twenty minutes later I arrived at the hospital praying everything is ok. I walked into the waiting room to see Tiff with her knees to her chest in a chair rocking back and forth. She looked like she just lost her best friend. I walked over to her.

"Tiff are you okay?"

"Don't touch me August."

"What's wrong Tiff? Who died? Where is Justice?"

"I don't think she's dead August."

"Who Justice?" I asked in confusion

"Yes nigga all cuz my momma pushed her down the stairs. I wanna beat her ass over and over." She broke down again

*2 hours later*

We was still waiting for the doctor to come out. Tiff had fallen asleep and Jordan was pacing while Marquis was on the phone. I got tired of waiting for the doctor to come out so I went to the nurses station and asked.

"Excuse me miss."

"How can I not help you?" She asked rudely

She was acting like the lady off of Monsters inc. that worked at the front desk.

"When will the doctor be coming-"

"Shortly go sit down."

I walked off before I ended up pinching her in the face. She didn't have to be so rude. Tiff was pacing around the room. She acting like a junkie right now. I understand she under a lotta of stress but she need to stop stressing so much. I'm pretty sure everything is fine. The doctors finally came out five minutes later.

Tiff P.O.V

"Parents of Justice Jones." The doctor called

"I'm her mother." I said as I shook his hand

"You guys look a little young to be her parents."

"Bruh can you just tell us what's wrong with our child before I put yo ass in the hospital " Jordan yelled

"We'll there's bad and worse news."

"And what is it?" I asked getting impatient with his ass

"The bad news is she slipped in the coma and the worse news she may never wake up due to the fact she suffered from a head injury. Then she had one broken rib and internal bleeding. I'm sorry to say this but she may not make it over night." He said bluntly

"I'm so sorry." He added

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