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Jordan P.O.V

I was chilling at the crib waiting for Tiff to drop Justice off. She said Justice has a ear infection but she think it's something more serious. So I'm gonna pay extra attention to here just incase something is wrong with her. I think she spending the weekend.

April crazy ass finally told me she pregnant with my baby. I don't know whether to be happy or worried. Cuz right now April is not in her right state of mind. And is very unstable right now. So I decided I'm gonna get full custody of the baby. I even got her momma to agree with me. Ms. Sheila think she can't take of the baby. Then bout a week ago I heard she was doing drugs. Somebody said crack then somebody said PCP. I don't know who and what to believe, but let my baby come out a crack baby and imma fuck April up worse than Tiff did the other day at school. My baby better be healthy and not addicted to nothing.

I eventually got tired of waiting for Tiff so, I called her.



"Tiff you on your way?" I asked

"No, we fenna leave right now."

"I thought you been left."

"I did but I had to come back cuz I fo got her medicine and overnight bag."

"I'm not even gonna ask how you forgot that and you know she got a closet full of clothes and shoes over here."

"Ohhh yea I fo got bout that."

"Shaking my head but anyways ask daddy princess what she want to eat."

The line was silent for a minute.

"She said hot wings and French fries. "

"Aight call me when you get here."

"Aight bye. "



I got up and went into the kitchen to start cooking the hot wings and fries. Yes, I can cook my momma taught me everything she know. Matter of fact I haven't heard from my momma in a month or two. I wonder what happened to her. I'll just ask Tiff whenever she get here. A few minutes later I heard somebody banging on my door. I silently prayed it wasn't the police cuz I can't stand them. When I opened the door April was standing there smiling.

April P.O.V

I finally decided to tell Jordan I'm pregnant with his baby. Hopefully he won't be mad at me since I took so long to tell him. Before I left the house I snorted a line of crack. This is only the fourth time I done this while I'm pregnant. I stole it out the black duffle bag .that was in the very back of August closet. I was supposed to put it in Tiff car but I wanted to try it. Long as nobody find out I'm good.

An hour later I pulled up to Jordan house ready to talk him. Maybe he will take me back. I stole his heart anyways, not Tiff ugly ass. Talking bout she was there first so I need to drop it. She was my best friend and never told me bout ha' and Jordan all cuz she was scared of ha' momma. Scary ass hoes these days shaking my head. Anyways I knocked on Jordan door waiting for him to open the door. When he finally did open I smiled at him and he didn't look to happy to see me.

"What's wrong Jordan?" I asked concerned

"Nothing....what do you want April?" He replied dryly

"Can we talk Jordan?"


"I'm pregnant."

"Duhh I know that."

"How you know?"

"Who don't know you pregnant."

"And why you waited so long to tell me?" he added

"I was scared-"

"Bull shit call me when you have the baby April. Have a blessed day." He said as he slammed the door in my face

His head still stuck up Tiff ass and she don't even want him no more. I'm done with this bull shit. This is why I shoulda got a abortion like I started to. As I was speeding off I saw Tiff car. I should hit ha' ass and kill her and that bastard of a child who ruined my relationship. For some reason I started crying really hard. I didn't even bother to pull over.

Jordan P.O.V

April got me fucked up talking bout she was scared. Then to make it even worse she looked like she was high when she came over here. She got the game messed up. Matter of fact imma call ha' momma later to tell ha' that April came over looking high. Gonna ruin my child cuz of the poor decisions she wanna make. Running a nigga pressure up and shit.

A few minutes later I got a call from Tiff saying she was outside and to open the door. I unlocked the door and sat on the couch. She walked in a few minutes later carrying a sleeping Justice. I took Justice from her and laid her down in her room.

"What's wrong with you?" Tiff asked as I came down the stairs

"April crazy ass."

"What she doing now?"

"I think she doing drugs Tiff."


Wattpad gonna run my pressure up again with this bull crap they pulling. Can't read other people books, chapters missing, deleting books out my library, won't let me update, etc. It's getting aggravating right now. Anyways tell me what you think about this chapter. Any opinions on what April doing.

I have a question it's not related to the book.

Is age really number?




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