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Jimin gave me my pills and helped me off of bed. "Y/n. Why did you faint yesterday?" Asked Hobi. "I said I wasn't feeling good." I said walking toward my mirror. I lifted up my shirt a bit just to see my stomach. "Y/n!" Exclaimed Yoongi. "What?" I asked. "Why did you do that?" Asked Junkook. "Oh my god. You've already seen me either way." I said. "But we haven't!" Exclaimed Jimin. "It's only my stomach." I said. Jimin came out with clothes for me. He then went out and returned with clothes for Jimin. "What time is it?" I asked. "6 in the morning." Yoongi said. I sighed. Jin said we weren't going to school. Lair.
"Here." Said Jin handing me and Jimin clothes. "What the heck." Jimin said. "What is this?" I asked. "Just put it on." Said Jin.

"I look like a teacher?" Said Jimin

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"I look like a teacher?" Said Jimin. (He still looks hot tho.) "And I just look like a highschool girl." I said. "Twins?" Asked V. "You guys look cute." Said Hobi. I glared at him. "Okay guys let's go." I said. "Where are we going?" Asked Jungkook. "Good question. Jin?" I asked. "To school." Said Jin. "To be seen like this?" Jimin and I asked. "Yeah. You guys don't look bad." Said Jin. "Alright lets go." Said Yoongi. We finally arrived at school. "Jimin and Y/n look like twins." Said a girl. "Wow Jimin looks hot." Said another girl. "Y/n looks hot too." Said the boy next to her. Jungkook put his hand around my waist. "Whats wrong with you!?" I asked. "Are Y/n and Jungkook dating?" Asked a girl. "Aww she won us at dating Jungkook." Said another girl. I removed his hand. I went to the other side of Jimin. Hwa-Young came to Jungkook and kissed him on the lips. I rolled my eyes. "What are you jealous that Jungkook and I are together?" Asked Hwa-Young. "No. Why would I?" I asked. Woozi and Wonwoo were passing by. Woozi and I made eye contact. I tried reading his mind. Why does she look so hot. Just keep it cool. Play hard to get. Read his mind. I giggled. "Why are you giggling?" Asked Jungkook. Woozi and Wonwoo were just a few steps away. I rushed to Woozi and grabbed his wrist. I turned him around making him look at me even if I'm a bit shorter than him. I grabbed him by the Shirt. "W-What are you doing?" Asked Woozi. "Y/n?" Asked Wonwoo. "Y/n what are you doing?" Asked Jimin. I brought Woozi's face closer to mine. I smashed my lips onto his. "Mmmwmwmwm." Said Woozi. He wrapped his hands around my waist pulling me closer. I was pulled harshly by someone. I looked up to see Jungkook. "What the heck was that!" Yelled Jungkook. "What the hell was that." I asked pointing my hand at Hwa-Young. "You're mine!" Shouted Jungkook. "No, I'm not. If you can kiss whoever you want. I can too." I said. "You have no right!" Exclaimed Jungkook. He looked mad. "Neither do you. So let go of my arm. You're hurting me." I said with tears on my eyes. "Y/n has never been mistreated like this!" Exclaimed A girl. "Let go of her Jungkook you're hurting her." V said. My arm was now red. A hint of purple was showing. "Let go of me!" I exclaimed. "Let go of her Jungkook." Said Yoongi. Jimin came up to us. "We said Let go!" Yelled Jimin. He seemed super mad. Jungkook just stared angrily into my eyes. I looked back with teary eyes. Jimin took Jungkooks hand off of my arm. It was all red and a bit purple of how tight he was holding it. I cried on Jimins chest while he held me protectivly. "Everyone go to class!" Said a voice. I didn't see who it is. I heard every one hurry to class.  "You 10 come with me!" Said the voice. I recongised him. Mr. Kim. Jimin side hugged me as we walked. Wonwoo went back to class. We were now sitting in the directors office. "What happened?" Asked Mr. Kim. "Well Jungkook and Hwa-Young kissed and the Y/n kissed Woozi. Woozi over here kissed her back and Jungkook hurt Y/n." Said Rm. Hobi carefully got my arm and showed Mr. Kim. "Jungkook you are now engaged to my niece. Respect her. You can not be kissing other girls." Said Mr. Kim. "Niece! Engaged!" Exclaimed Hwa-Young. I glared at her. "But she kissed this hoe." Said Jungkook. "What did you say?"  Asked  Mr. Kim. "I mean. She kissed Woozi. She should also respect that she's engaged with me." Said Jungkook. "She could kiss anyone if you kiss anyone." Said Jin. "Hyung. Not you too!" Exclaimed Jungkook. "In my defense I'm younger than all you bitches." I said. "I thought you were hurt!" Said Jungkook. "Yes. Look at it. You bruised my arm." I said slapping him across the face. He held his cheek. "Y/n don't take you anger on him." Said Jimin holding me. "Why did you kiss Woozi?" Asked Mr. Kim. "Well Jungkook and Hwa-Young are dating. She kissed him. So I got mad because I need to be respected when I'm engaged. So as I said I got mad and kissed Woozi. We're both doing something bad." I Said. "So Jungkook break up with Hwa-Young. And treat Y/n correctly. Respect her and take care of her. Your parents are going to know about this." said Mr. Kim. We all bowed. "Bye Mr. Kim." I said. Once we got out, Hwa-Young turned to me. "What?" I asked. "You stole my man." Hwa-Young yelled. She then slapped me.
~To be continued~

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