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"Oppa." I said. "Oppa?" Asked Wonwoo. "Kim Jisung is my oppa." I said. "Only my little sister use to call me that." Said Jisung.
When I was little I used to always be with my brother. He was going to go to college. He was 20 years old while I was barely 6 at that time. Vampires or half vampires stop aging at 20. "Oppa where are you going?" I asked clinging onto him as he packed his stuff. "Oppa needs to go to school abroad." Said Jisung. "Ani. Y/n ganna miss oppa." I said. "But oppa has to study. He's coming back in a few years. Wait for me yeah?" Asked Jisung. "Ne. Oppa. I'm ganna m-miss you alot." I said with tears in my eyes. The tears slowly dripping down my cheeks. "Oh my little Y/n. Jisung is coming back. I'm not dieng. I'm going to get smarter and help you with your studies once I know more." Jisung said. "I want oppa to be happy." I said. "Smile for oppa. I promise that once I come back I'll buy you alot of candy and a big teddy bear. I'll even take you to your favorite park and buy cotton candy. Make a picnic and play with you." Said Jisung. "Oppa promise?" I asked holding my pinky up and dashing a smile with one of my front teeth missing. "Oppa promises." He said intertwining his pinky with mine. "Well oppa has to leave now." Said Jisung. Jisung carried on his side with one hand and with the other he got his bags. I layed on his shoulder and fell to sleep. I woke up to Jisung shaking me a bit. He unbuckled my seatbelt and got me out the car. I got my omma by the hand and walked along side. I saw Jisung hug my parents. He then came to me and squated down. He got my tiny hands and looked at me. "Y/n. Oppa is now leaving okay. He promises to stay in touch and never forget you." Jisung said. I shook my head. I started crying. My mom got so I wouldn't run after Jisung. He gave me a big smile and walked off. "Ani. Oppa. I want oppa. I want oppa." I cried. "Oppa! Oppa! I want oppa!" I cried again. "Shhh. Oppa is coming back after a few years." Said Omma. "Sweetie let's go." Appa said. I cried and cried until I fell asleep.
End of flashback
"I want oppa to be happy." I said. He looked at me in shock. "Y/n?" Asked Jisung. "Jisung." I said. He got up and hugged me. "My little baby sister." Said Jisung. I started sobbing against his sweater. "You fucking promised to stay in touch." I said. "I'm sorry. I really am. I just lost my phone." Said Jisung. "Do you know how many times I fucking cried?" I asked. "I'm sorry." He said again not breaking the hug. I kept on crying until Jisung was harshly pulled away from me. "Ouch." He whined as he was laying on the floor. "JEON JUNGKOOK!" I screamed. "Why did you do that?" I asked. I rushed to my brothers side. "Oh my god Jisung. I'm so sorry." I said. "No problem. Is he your friend or something?" Asked Jisung. "Fiance." Said Jungkook. "Ugh. Go away! All of you! I don't want to see your faces!" I screamed. "Y/n. I'm sorry for not telling you." Said Yoongi. "You think it's okay to not tell me!" I exclaimed. Jisung had never seen this side of me. "You have the fucking maknae with you." Said Yoongi. "You could had at least told me. Yes I would be a fucking mess. But I can't raise my fucking child if it has no father!" I exclaimed. I realised what I had said. "Wait what?" Asked Jimin. "Go away!" I exclaimed. "Y/n are you pregnant?" Asked Jin. "I'm going to be and uncle." Exclaimed V and Rm. "Awww." Said V. Jungkook just groaned while Yoongi was shocked. "You're pregnant with my child?" Asked Yoongi. "No it's Jungkook's." I said. "What?" Asked Jungkook. "OMFG. Yes it's yours Yoongi. You were my fucking first and you didn't use protection now that I fucking remember and I'm stuck with my baby while you are slowly dieng and are eventually going to leave before even getting the chance to see the baby." I said while going weak on my knees amd crying. Jisung hugged me and Hobi glared at him. "Who are you?" Asked Jimin. "Her oppa." Said Jisung. "But wait so Y/n got into teen pregnancy?" Asked Wonwoo. "Yeah. About the not using protection. Sorry." Said Yoongi. "Well probably he will still be here to see the baby grow up." Said V. "How long have you been pregnant?" Asked Jimin. "About 1 and a half month." I said. "Come over here." Said Jungkook. I rolled my eyes getting out of Jisungs embrace.
~To be continued~

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