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"What did you say?" Asked Jennie. "You heard them bitch. I know you find them attractive eslecially Jungkook." I said frustraded. Jungkook tightened his grip a bit more. "What if I do? What will you do?" Asked Jennie. "Don't be a pussy and fight me." I said. "As if. I can easily get each one in bed with me." Said Jennie. She went to Jimin and kissed him on the lips. I was about to explode. She went to Jungkook and did the same. His eyes widened so big that they might come out. "I wish to warn you." I said. "What do..." Jennie said but was to late since I cut her off my punching her in the face. Jungkook finally let me go. I threw myslef onto Jennie and beat her up. "Okay let's go. We're done here." I said. "I think I need to wash my mouth with clorox." Said Jimin. Yoongi was beside me looking ashamed. "I'm sorry. If only I would have known I wouldn't." Said Yoongi. "Ani. Ani. You didn't. You can have  which ever girlfriend you want." I said. "Yoongi may I ask you something?" Asked Jimin. "Ye." Said Yoongi. "What do you think about Y/n's and Jungkook's engagment?" Asked Jimin. "Hyung!" Exclaimed Jungkook. "Jimin. Ani." I said. "It's alright." Said Yoongi. He looked at his feet. "I am hoping that Jungkooo will take really good care of Y/n after I leave. And learn to love her." Yoongi said. "What do you mean leave?" I asked. "Y/n I..... I don't want to talk about this right now. "Yoongi said. "Wait she doesn't know?" Asked Hobi. "Know what?" I asked. "Jimin help out." V said. "Y/n calm down." Jimin said. "It doesn't really matter." Said Yoongi putting his hands into his pockets. I stopped walking and crossed my arms. "Why? Tell me." I said. "Guys." V said. "Becuase it won't matter once I'm gone." Yoongi said. "You think it won't matter to me?" I asked. "Guys." V saud again.  "It won't, you'll have a something else to concentrate on." Yoongi said. "What could be more important than you to me. Huh?" I asked. I saw Jungkook's pained expression. "You'll have to forget me." Yoongi said. "Tell me what you mean by gone." I said. "Y/n just calm down." Said Jin and Jimin. "We'll speak of this once we get home." Hobi said. "Guys." V said again. "Let's just go home and forget all this shit! I want to know what he means by gone." I exclaimed. "GUYS!" Exclaimed V. "WHAT!" we all shouted.  "If you want to know so bad. Then I'll tell you. Yoongi is dieng." Shouted V. "V!" Exclaimed Jin and Yoongi. "Shit." V said under his breathe. "WHAT!" i exclaimed. "You can't. I can't raise...." I said with tears falling down my cheeks. I fell down to my knees. "Raise what?" Asked Hobi. I got up and ran. I don't know where I was going. The sun was already setting. I saw where I had walked to. I went to the placs where Yoongi and I had our first kiss. A sat down on the grass. I had aroumd 20 missed calls of Jimin and the boys. I put my phone down ignoring the phone call. I cried and cried.
Flash back
I was going on a walk to excersice when I felt the need to vomit. "Jimin I'll be back. I'm just going to the restroom real quick." I said. "Alright." Jimin. Said. I ran to the restroom and got there just in time. "Y/n. Are you alright un there?" Asked Jimin. "N-Ne." I said. I got out and sat on my bed. "I don't feel good." I said. "What's wrong?" Asked Jimin. "I just feel dizzy. Go without me." I said. "Ani. I'll stay with you. If you still don't feel good, I'll drive you to the doctor." Jimin said. "Kamsa." I said.
~1 week later~
"Y/n are you feeling alright? You've been vomiting alot this week." Said Jin. "Ne." I said. "Are you getting sick?" Asked V. "Your angel is staying with you." Said Hobi. "What's wrong? Want me to take you to the hospital?" Asked Jungkook. "Ani. Ani." I said.
~Another week. ~
"Y/n you have to go to the doctor." Said Yoongi. "I don't want to." I said. "Want something to drink?" Asked Jin. "Glass of Blood." I said. "Alright." Jin said. He returned with a glass of blood. I drank some of it until it was half empty/ half full. I went to my room and changed into room and changed into a hoodie and tights. I went back down. I sat next to Jungkook. I suddnely layed my head onto his shoulder. "Y/n you okay?" Asked Jungkook. I hummed in response. He carrased my hair. "Since when are you guys so close?" Asked V. "Simce a few weeks ago." Jungkook said. I felt the food gain up on my throat ready to get out. I vomited on Jungkook. "Y/n!" Exclaimed Jungkook. Jimin got me bridal style and ran to the car. "Jin start the freaking car!" Shouted Jimin. "Ye!" Jin shouted back. "Jungkook Hobi and Yoongi go in another car!" Shouted Jimin. I heard V and Jin shut the front doors. Jimin got ourselfs into the car. "Jimin I feel fine. It's just that I've been feeling sick." I said. "Shh. Just rest until we get there." Jimin said. "Have you gained a bit wait?" Asked V. "Shut it!" Exclaimed Jimin. We finally arrived at the doctor. "I'll go in with you." Said Jin. "Ani. I'll go in my self." I said. "Fine." Said Jimin. I got called in and I sat on the chair. "So what seems to be the problem?" Asked the lady.  "Well I've been feeling bad. I've been vomiting lately." I said. "Have you had any sexual contact?" Asked the lady. "Well. Yeah last month." I said. "We'll take some test to check if my assumtion is correct." Said the lady. After a taking the tests I waited in the room. Minutes later the nice lady came in. "I have good news for you Ms. Kim." Said the lady. I looked up to see her in the eye. "Which is?" I asked. "You are one month pregnant. Do you know who the father is?" Asked the lady. I was in shock. I covered my eye with my hands. "Y-Ye. He was my first time." I said. "Well congrats on your baby Ms. Kim." Said the lady. I thanked her and went out. Jimin and the rest of the boys came to me. "Are you okay?" Asked Jungkook. "What happened?" Asked Yoongi. "Are you alright?" Asked Hobi. "What's wrong with you?" Asked Jin. "Guys. Guys. I'm perfectly fine." I said with a smile.
End of flashback
I felt the presence of people. I looked up to to see Woonwo and another boy. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "Well we saw a crying girl." Said Wonwoo. "Is she the one that Woozi fell for?" Asked the boy. "Ne." Said Wonwoo. "No wonder. She's hot." Said the boy. "I'm engaged." I said through tears. "Oh." Said the boy. I looked at Wonwoo asking who the boy is. "Oh he's Jisung." Said Wonwoo. "Kim Jisung?" I asked. "Ne." He said. Have I ever mentioned that I had an older brother aboard seas. "Oppa." I said.
~To be continued~

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