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Kellin doesn't bother calling after seeing Lance and instead texts me saying he's on his way over. I'm not complaining, to be honest I kind of miss of him already. Ever since I got him back, I can't stand to be away for too long.

I'm trying not to be worried about whatever news he has to tell me and also about Ryan's reaction. He wasn't here when I got home since he often doesn't appear from his room until mid-to-late afternoon, and therefore hadn't read into the constant goofey smile on my face and red splotched neck. He probably won't approve, but I'm not sure I care.

"Hey," I say through the the open front door, unable to resist reflecting Kellin's incredible smile on my own cheeks.

"Hey," he replies, pecking my lips before coming inside. I swear it almost made me blush. What is he doing to me?

"Is that Kellin I hear?" Ryan sounds from his usual seat on the couch. Kellin laughs and I follow him over.

"Yes, hi," he greets my annoying cockblock of a roommate. Look, give me a break, it's been a stressful day and I think I'm allowed to be ready for some action.

"What are you doing here?" Ryan asks him, turning to me, "I didn't know you were working today."

"I'm not," I answer, making his confused expression only intensify.

"Wait..." Ryan says, seeming to begin putting the pieces together. I step out a little and his gaze immediately drops to my neck. "Oh," he realizes, eyeing us both up and down carefully. It creeped me out to be honest.

"Ew, stop doing that," Kellin scolds, shifting his weight so that out sides are pressed together. Even the slight contact sets my heart into a frenzy.

"Did you two do it?" he asks not so subtly. We both laugh for longer than was comfortable. I guess neither one of us really wanted to be the one to reply. "That's not an answer," he states, catching us.

"Ryan," Kellin starts with a chuckle, "You know we've done it. What kind of question is that?" He's so clever.

"You know that's not what I mean," he tells him, rolling his eyes. Shit, caught again.

Kellin sighs and we exchange a look, him silently asking to spill it and me silently agreeing.

"Uh, yeah. We're kinda-"

"You're shitting me," Ryan blurts out. "What happened with Lance?" God dammit Ry, we haven't even talked about it, we're not gonna tell you.

"None of your business," Kellin replies, somehow making it sound friendly and somewhat erotic. Either that or I'm just way too turned on today.

"Fine, fuck you too," he answes, smiling despite the harsh sounding words. It's just his weird, charming personality.

"Well this was fun, but we're leaving now," I announce, not able to take it anymore and dragging Kellin away. I'm dying to both make out and find out what happened.

"Hey!" Kellin exclaims as I somewhat roughly drag him along.

"Sorry," I reply, slowing down and being gentler. "I'm impatient."

"Clearly," he chuckles, lacing our fingers together and making my whole body feel butterflies. Why am I like this all of the sudden?

"So," I urge him once we get to my room. I lead him inside with my hand on his back, shooting him a curious look.

"So...what?" he asks, looking confused and kind of worried.

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