Part 3: Vic Again.

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Part Three: Vic Again.

I wake up to an arm around my waist, and the golden rays of sunlight peeking through the edges of my curtain. I smile as the details of last night roll in, turning to face Vic and whispering, "Hey," when I see that he's awake.

Vic leans in, kissing me before I could fully wake up. I kiss him back, laughing a little because I honestly can't believe this is my life.

We pull away, and I look into his eyes, feeling a little scared about how he's feeling. He dumped me after all, is he sure he wants this?

"What are you thinking about?" I wonder, my insecurities showing.

"Um..." he mumbles, looking away for a second. "What does this mean for you and Lance?"

I drop his gaze, honestly forgetting Lance even existed. I don't really have to think about it though, Vic is my dream guy.

So I smile, lifting a hand and cupping his face as I gently brush my thumb along his cheek. "Like you said...Lance isn't good for me." I feel this twinge deep in my gut, hopeful that he might consider being with me again.

Vic smiles, leaning in and kissing me with a giddy passion that makes my heart melt. He slips under the covers, a giggle I couldn't hold in leaving my throat as he kisses his way down my body. I grip his hair, sighing as an attempt to relax.

Vic fits himself between my legs, and I'm already fucking throbbing at this point. I really missed the way Vic tends to my needs. I practically melt into oblivion when he takes me in his mouth, not even sure what planet I'm on let alone the sounds leaving my body.

But when my door clicks open and I hear Tanya exclaim, "Oh shit, sorry!" I'm ripped from the fantasy.

Vic bursts out laughing, Tanya already having slammed the door shut again. That did not just happen.

"That was fucking mortifying," I whisper as Vic comes out from under the covers.

He kisses my cheek, not seeming all that worried. "She'll just think I was Lance, calm down. She knows you two do that."

"That doesn't make it any less embarrassing!" I point out, my hands resting on his chest.

He just rolls his eyes, chuckling, "Whatever," and kissing me properly.

"I have to pee," he adds when we pull away, pulling himself from my reluctant grip.

I follow shortly after, noticing now that I need to pee too. Luckily for me, Vic's now at the sink brushing his teeth, leaving the toilet open for me.

I look over at Vic, laughing at his froth coated smile. My attention drops to the toothbrush in his hand, recognizing the colour immediately.

"Ew, did you use my toothbrush!?" I exclaim, noting that I need to throw it out now.

"Yeah," he chuckles. "You've had my dick in your mouth, and you care that I'm using your toothbrush?"

I roll my eyes, blushing at his blunt words. Even after three years of doing what I do, I'm always embarrassed hearing about it or seeing it when I'm not prepared to.

"I hate you," I mumble, joining him at the sink. We watch each other in the mirror for a few minutes while I quickly brush my teeth and then we head back out into the main room.

I try to go back to bed, but Vic doesn't let me and grabs my hand, keeping me from falling onto the mattress.

"Want to go out for brunch?" he suggests. I can't help but smile at the suggestion, hating that I always wake up a little bit nauseous in the morning.

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