28 - Final

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Kellin and I have been together for a year and a half now. We're still so in love, maybe even more than before. We hardly ever fight, and when we do it's just because one or both of us are stressed and we quickly work it out.

It's my graduation day, fucking finally. I can't wait to never be in a classroom ever again. But I will miss Kellin and my in-class rendez-vous. Yeah, you heard me right, it happened a few times. Physicality has just always been a big part of Kellin's personality and I swear he's a bit of an addict. Not that I'm complaining.

I'm at school right now, waiting in line for the ceremony to start. All of my classmates are in alphabetical order, and thankfully I'm on the earlier half since I plan on skipping out shortly afterwards.

Kellin's here, sitting with Mike—who's been clean for nine months now and got released from the rehab centre; I couldn't be more proud. My parents are here too, but Kellin hasn't met them yet. He's been too nervous about it, and every time I'd suggest anything he'd have an anxiety attack. I plan on introducing him today though and taking the four of them out for lunch.

That's another thing I've come to learn about Kellin. He has major anxiety, mostly socially related. It's crazy how when it comes to work and his body he's so positive, outgoing, and confident, but then when it comes to social interactions and people liking him, he freaks out so easily. Apparently I help him with it though, which is crazy flattering in my opinion.

They call us in, making me feel a bit nervous. As it gets going though, the ceremony becomes really boring. They just call name after name and say what they intend to do with their degree. It makes me feel anxious. Everyone has all these big plans, and I have just have Kellin. That's it. But I love him. He's more than enough for me.

They call my name and I stand, crossing the stage. I shake the administration people's hands, taking my diploma with the other one. I pass my academic advisor who smiles at me, probably still not knowing my name even though they'd just called it. My department head knows me extremely well though, he was my Prof for four diffrerent classes over the years.

"Contragulations, Fuentes," he says, smiling sincerely at me. "I expect great things from you. I might even miss watching your assignments."

I chuckle, replying, "Thank you. I have zero prospecs, but I expect a lot too." He laughs and I walk off the stage, spotting my family in the front row that's roped off for picture taking. I smile at them, my mom crying and clapping loudly. It's fucking embarrassing. My eyes land on Kellin last, and he looks so fucking proud, beaming at me as he mouths the words I love you so much. I suppose he might've said them out loud actually, but I couldn't hear it.

I slip out the back door rather than sitting with the other graduates. I text Kellin and Mike to meet me outside, but don't say anything to my parents yet.

I return my gown and burst out into the hallway in search of the pair. As soon as I get outside I spot them, greeting them with a smile.

"Hey," I say as I reach them, immediately getting yanked into a tight group hug.

"I'm so proud of you, Baby," Kellin says to me, his voice cracking.

"Yeah, bro, you finally made it! No more being broke," Mike tells me, chuckling.

"I don't know about that," I reply with a chuckle. "My boyfriend's still my only employer."

We have a new 'career'  together. He mainly models for his money, but his private snapchat is still up and running. Of course, not the way it used to be. We're in a completely monogomous relationship, meaning his snapchat is...well, of us. My face is never in it and he's still the star of the show. It started just for us—he likes to torture me with the footage—but eventually I got brave and let him post one taken from my point of view as he gave me a blow job. It blew right up, and ever since I've let loose a little. Now it's kind of a fun game for us. I guess his dream sort of became a reality.

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