Chapter F/O/U/R

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Once I board the plane, I immediately look for my seat number

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Once I board the plane, I immediately look for my seat number. Twenty-eight. 28. Where. Is. IT!! I continue to walk down the aisle until I see this Korean guy looking at his iPad.

"Hi. Um, do you know where seat twenty-eight is?" I asked him. He looked me up and down. (GIF above, and that is the guy)

"What?" I glare at him. He just pointed at the number above his seat. Guess. Fudging. What. I bet you guessed it. My seat is next to his. At least it's a window seat. Don't like how he looked at me. Brat.

I stuffed my duffel bag into the luggage compartment for my seat, and shuffle past him to sit down. He's still staring at me. "Do you have an eye problem?" I huffed out annoyed. He just scoffed looking back down at his iPad.

I glare at the side of his head and took a deep breath before I went off on him.

Please buckle your seat belts and turn off all electronics. We will now be taking off.

I turn off my phone and put it in 'my' hoodie pocket, before pulling out a book from my small backpack. I hear what's-his-face let out an angry sigh before putting away his iPad and phone. "Brat." I scoffed turning the page in my book.

"Excuse you?" He glared. "What was that?" I hummed mockingly. "I don't have time for this." He scoffed once again for like the hundred time. was just two times. False alarm everyone.

"What has your panties in a twist?" I set my book to the side and turn my attention to him as the plane takes off. He sighs. "It's nothing. Can you just leave me alone?" He huffs. "I can't technically do that Mr. Grumpy pants. We're seat mates." I grin. "Now let me hear it, rich boy." I smirk.

"How would you even know if I was rich or not?" He rolls his eyes. I look over him. "Gucci flip flops, designer clothes, fancy 'gadgets', as my dad calls them, looks like your hair has been styled, skin-." I get cut off.

"Okay. I get it. Why do you care? Are you a gold digger or something?" He glares. "We've been in the air for less than ten minutes, and you scoffed, glared, and huffed at me at least one hundred times." I raised an eyebrow. "Don't ignore my question." He huffs. "Yes, I'm totally a gold digger. Tell me all your secrets, fall in love with me, then let's get married." I sarcastically answered leaning closer to him.

He stared at me in disgust. "I'm moving seats." He goes to call for the flight attendant. "I was using a little something called sarcasm. Ever heard of it." I roll my eyes. He stares at me warily.

"If I really wanted your money, I would have stole it by now. I mean seriously, you're easy to steal from." I breathed out a laugh popping a piece of his gum in my mouth. He weirdly sorta relaxed. I shrugged and leaned on his arm rest.

"So what is it, rich boy? Why are you on a plane to McKinley, Virginia?" I rest my chin on my palm.

"Living with my mom. My dad has to travel." He shrugs. "Does your dad own a business company?" I asked. He nodded. "He wants me to take over. I didn't want to, so now I'm moving in with my mom." He explained. I hum understanding. "Isn't your allowance going to get cut off?" I smirked.

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