Chapter F<>O<>U<>R<>T<>E<>E<>N

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You wouldn't guess who my work partner is. If you guessed Kol, you're wrong. But you are really really close. It is a Mikaelson.

Nope. Nope. Nope. Yes. If you guessed the deadest Mikaelson to ever walk the Earth. You. Are. Correct. How? I don't know? Do I feel crazy? Yes.

"Hey partner." He bumped me lightly while pulling his apron on. I bet I look like the upside down smiley face right now.

"How are you here?" I stare at him already in uniform. "Easy, I walked." He grinned patting my head and walking to the front. Today we are in the stacking department.

Our job is really weird. Well the company is. One day we'd be in the regular store part, then we'd be at the grill, then we'd be at a coffee stand, stacking, all of that.

I follow him to the front of the store. "Henrik!" I pull at his sleeve. "Let's talk after our shift." I sighed dramatically and took off to the storage room.


"What are you doing for your break?" Henrik asked as we restock the shelves. "That's actually a good question, mate." I heard behind me. I sigh knowing exactly who this is.

"Why do all the Mikaelson's love me?" I mumble to myself before turning on my heal to spot my least favorite Mikaelson.

Kol kept staring down Henrik, meaning he ignored my comment. That's why I have a VERRYYYY limited group of friends. These guys are CRABS!!

"I we met before?" Kol tilted his head while squinting at his brother. "Two can keep a secret if one of them is dead." I said mysteriously. Well so I thought.

"What?" They both asked. I shook my head at them. "Something is wrong with the two of you. No wonder you two are re-." I was cut off by Henrik very loud throat clearing. The disrespect is real.

"Anyways," Kol glared at Henrik. "What are you doing for your break? Oh, I know. You and me are going to lunch. When does your break start?" I glared at Kol.

"Who said I wanted to spend my free time with you?" I looked him up and down with a scowl. "Me. Now when shall I pick you up, darling?"

Picture me getting a hand full of his cheeks and pulling them. He's so cute. Annoying. He's annoying.

"I'm going on a date." I blurt out. "On your lunch break?" Henrik raised an eyebrow. I nod. "Yep!"

"When did we arrange a date? I'm not complaining if you ask." Kol smirked smugly. I roll my eyes at him. "Not with you," I smirked at Kol. "With Peter." Kol's eyes harden and his smirk fell from his face.

"I can pick it up for you." I accidentally said out loud. Dang it! That joke was suppose to be in my head! I could have successfully picked up that smirk. No? Not funny? Okay I'll leave.

"Who's Peter?" He growled. I thought Nik was half dog, not Kol? Confusion. "I'm Peter." Henrik waved awkwardly. He's called Peter here because his real name would draw too much Supernatural attention.

"Look here." Kol stepped close to 'Peter'. "I'm joking." I stepped in front of Kol and placed my hand on his chest. Kol's eyes moved from Henrik's to mine. I stared for a second before pushing him back a bit.

"I actually have a date with Elijah." I grinned up at him. Way to ruin the mood Valentine! I'm so slow. "Is that so? Then I must take my brothers place. He's going to be running off schedule." His famous smirk made its way back on his LIPS.

"Nope. He gave me his word we'd meet on my break." I challenged him. "If you really wanted to be with Elijah that bad, your hand wouldn't be on my chest." He whispered as his face inched closer to me.

As this little ordeal went on, we did not notice Henrik's chicken eating grin. That creep.

"Your chest was warm and my hand was cold." I shot back at him while pulling my hand to my side. "Mmh." His eyes flickered to my lips. I lick my lips before coming back to reality.

"Duty calls. Come on, Peter." I step away from Kol and look at Henrik. To see the most creepiest thing. Him pulling his phone down from us with a grin. I tilt my head creeped out.

"I'm posting this." He wrapped his arm around my shoulder guiding us back to the storage room.

"By the way, Elijah has been out of town for a week." I heard Kol call from behind us. "Then it was Nik!" I turn to him and throw him a smile.

Henrik shows me his phone. I stared at the screen with wide eyes. He took a picture of me and Kol really close together.

"Come on, love. Tell him you like him." He pulled on my right cheek. "I don't like him." I huff pushing him away from me. "Then why are you blushing?" He teased.

"I'm not. Go back to work." I playfully glare at him. "I totally approve for you to be with my brother." He added as he put things in a cart. "Which one." I smirked at him. He rolled his eyes.

"Kol." I hummed in thought. "I know who I'm going to spend much with, Peter." He gave me a playful stink eye. "With Kol?" He assumed. "Nope, with Beks." I grin. "She's probably following Matt around somewhere." He mumbles. "What?" I ask I pull out my phone.

"Nothing." I shrug it off as I text Rebekah our lunch plans. "I have no feelings for Kol by the way." I told him while putting my phone away.

"That's not what Sheila or Emily said." I raise an eyebrow. "What about my Grams and Emily?" He frowned jokingly. "Even though they cannot tolerate my family, they like how the two of you put each other in your places." He smiled.

"I happen to also enjoy it. Plus, I'm the only Mikaelson they like." He bragged. "Well isn't this a coincidence." I rolled my eyes. "What?" He turned to me. "I happen to be the only Bennett that your family likes."

"Well I'll be star strucked." I gave him a look of disgust at his comment. "Never again." I shook my head disappointed.

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