Chapter E*L*E*V*E*N

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                 I'm a What? The Youngest Who?

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                 I'm a What? The Youngest Who?

"Dad are you okay?" I asked worriedly over the phone. "Don't worry about me, princessa. It will take a lot more than that to take me out." I heard his cockiness through the phone.

"That still didn't answer my question. I'll catch a fli-." He quickly cuts me off. What's up with people and always cutting off my sentences! "No!"

"Why not?" I raised an eyebrow suspiciously even though he couldn't see me. "I'm fine. No need to waste money on little ol' me." He laughs nervously.

I narrowed my eyes. "Dad. What's going on?" I ask lowly while pacing in the living room. "It's just that your brother." He pauses.

"My brother what? Which one?" I pushed. "Veron. He's developing." He sounds unsure of what to say. "What's do you mean he's developing?!" I glare at the wall angrily.

"Why are you calling so early in the morning anyways?" He asks trying to change the subject. "Why aren't you just getting to the point old man?" He sighed.

"It's too dangerous." I can picture him rubbing in between his eyebrows with his index finger and thumb. "What's too damn dangerous?!" I yell at him.

"I'm crippled at the moment; can we talk about this later?" He huffed. "I'm annoyed at the moment, so how about no?" I sassed back.

"Fine Ms. Nosey. He's developing powers." He says bluntly. I stayed quiet for a second. "Hello?" He asks into the phone. I bust out laughing. "You can't be serious! I'm seventeen, not stupid."

"I am serious." He stated. "If I knew any better, I would think that you took magic classes with everyone here." I scoff. "Cough it up daddy-o." I order.

He then explained to me all about the Bennett line and powerful witch shit. I just so happened to be living with my very own bombshell. I use to live with six other ones.

"So you're saying that Veron and I are late bloomers?" I breathed out. "That's exactly what I'm saying." "And you're also saying that vampires, werewolves, doppelgängers, witches, and all that fairytale nonsense, are real?" I stated slowly. "Yes." I could practically hear him roll his eyes.

"Are you in the hospital?" I ask slowly. "Yes, why does this have anything to do with what I just explained?" He sighed frustrated. "What type of drugs do they have you hyped up on? Ask them if they mind sending me some." I laughed amused. "I could get hammered with young Gilbert with those drugs."

"This is serious Valentine Marie!" He scolded. "Ha, yeah okay," I rolled my eyes. "They obviously have you in the wrong hospital." I purse my lips. "Has anything weird happened around you at all?" He asked slowly this time.

"Explain weird pops."  I crossed my arms and start glancing over the bookshelves. "Anyone have veins under their eyes when angry, and fangs? Anyone try to look you into your eyes and say something else happened than opposite of what did?" I remembered when I first met Kol and the other night with Damon.

"Howls on full moons? People being quicker than intended to be. People wearing blue and silver rings?" He listed. "This all just sounds like one big magic trick. Is causing an earthquake apart of it?" I laughed it off.

"As matter of fact, yes. How did you know?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "Because I think I caused a minor one." I dropped all joking matters.

"Holy shit! You aren't crazy old man!" I grin. "I'm a witch! Do I wear a pointy hat? Ooh, do I fly on a wooden broom stick?! Can I fly without one? Do I make potions?!" I shoot questions at him excitedly. "Let me stop you right there. You do none of that?" He told me and I frowned.

"Then being a witch sucks lollipops." I stared at a huge book before pulling it out. I fell with the book falling next to me. "What the hell? Is this book made of bricks?" I mumble to myself and flip open the book.

"Val? What book?" He frowned. "I can almost feel your frown through the phone, stop worrying. I'll call to check up on you later. Bye." I hung up before he could say anything and started reading.

"Manifestation Spell?" I scrunch up my nose. "These people are terrible at naming spells." I read over it and decide to do it.

"Phasmatos Obscuram, Ex Luces Estnes Qua Umbres. Natus Ignavum Evitem. Phasmatos Obscuram, Ex Luces Estnes Qua Umbres." I looked around the room to see nothing.

"Well that was a waste of my time." I roll my eyes. I start to close the book but a hand stopped the book from closing. "The fudge?" I mumble and trial the hand. I look up to see brown eyes that reminds me of Elijah's and Kol's.

I tilt my head. "Are you the spirt I- I uh, summoned?" I asked looking at him. "You can say that. It was really your Grandmother that was suppose to come." He replied in the same Mikealson accent.

"My Grams?" I asked taken back. "Yes, but I insisted I come instead." He smiled at me. "Who are you then?" I watch him walk around the living room.

"I'm Henrik. Henrik Mikealson." My mouth dropped open and he chuckled. "Aren't you the youngest one? The one that died?" I stood up and walked closer to him. He sat on the couch and made a face.

(The Famous Henrik has arrived -above-^^!)

"Hm. Do you want me to lie even though it is quiet obvious?" He laughed out. "Right, stupid question." I shook my head and stood in front of him. "But why do you look 18? I heard you died around 14." I furrow my eyebrows.

"You can say that I aged a bit. Kol helped me tap into my witchy powers, but not enough to help me." He sighed. "Why did you want to meet me?" I stare at him.

"I like you. I've been watching with Sheila. You're quite an amusing  person." He smile and stood to his feet. "Why else?" I watch him walk up to me.

"I like the thought of you with Kol." He patted my head and disappeared with a grin.

I let out a laugh of disbelief. "These Mikealson's are something else. He's lucky he's nice." I smile to myself.

Looks like I have a new BFF. Sorry Nik, Bekah, and Lijah, the youngest brother took your places.

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