Chapter E{I}:{G}:{H}:(T}

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When I got home it was around 12 a

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When I got home it was around 12 a.m. I decided to do an all nighter. Listening and dancing to BTS.

Bonnie was who cares where, so I am home alone. Still. It's been 10hours. It's now 10 a.m. I'm in the kitchen with coffee and the speakers.

"What the hell are you doing?" I heard from the doorway. I jumped dropping the coffee mug onto the ground. "Ow!" I yelled as the now broken glass dug into my leg.

"You asskit!" I hop away from the glass holding my now bloody leg. I wip my head over to see sexy Salvatore.

"I will murder you in your sleep." I glare at him before hopping up the stairs in pain.

When I got upstairs, I cleaned my wound and wrapped it up. "Sorry about that." He chuckled. "Didn't think you would be that clumsy." He leaned against the door frame.

"Go slap yourself with a metal pole." I roll my eyes and limp past him. "Sorry I interrupted your little house party." Damon claimed following me.

"Whatever. Now why are you here in the first place?" I cross my arms walking into my room.

"Babysitting duty." He shrugged. "I'm not a kid." I glare at him. "That's not what Bonnie told me. She said they call them.. what was it..?" He pretends to think with a smirk on his face.

Oh, how much I would beat him in a candy eating contest! Ooh.. I want candy now. " Was it horrendous Val? Or Tangerous Val? I don't quite remember." He smirk for wider. I threw a shoe at his face. "Fuck off death eater." I frown.

I received many childhood horrible nicknames due to the tantrums I use to throw. One time Vincent actually locked me in a closet because I wouldn't shut up. Let's just say that he woke up to a surprise the next morning.

"What?" He looked taken back. "Oh come on, don't tell me that hurt wittle Dammy's feelings." I pout playfully. He just rolled his eyes and walked off.

Ooh! I should call my new bestie! Niklaus or Elijah? Nik or Lijah? Klaus or E? I can't pick! Looks like I'm paying them a visit!

I pull on some sweatpants over my shorts and quickly braid my hair into two separate braids going down both of my shoulders. I slide on my slides and quickly left this house.

I skip down the street only to be stopped. By a rock, and the ground. Hey buddy! We meet again! I groan sitting up. I pat the ground before I feel myself getting lifted up.

"Where do you think you were going little Bennett?" Damon asked letting go of me. "One, don't call me that. Two, none of your business. And three, who are you again?" I walk away from him. But it looks like I have a shadow.

I walk up to the Mikealson house and I out to open the door when my babysitter decides to grab my hand. "What the hell do you think you're doing?!" He raised his voice while I just raised an eyebrow.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" I ask him in a duh voice and look at him like he's crazy. "We're leaving-." He gets cut off by the door swinging open. Let. Me. Tell you! These Mikealson's are I.L.L.E.G.A.L.

"Like what you see, darling?" That cocky voice brought me out of my thoughts and I scoffed at him. "As if." I rolled my eyes. "Do you need assistance with this Salvatore?" Kol asked after glancing and my hand that Damon now had in a death grip. This shit hurts tbh.

"Because I'll be more than happy to help." He glared at the blue eyed Salvatore and pulled me towards him with ease. Muscles. Nope. Idiot. Got it.

I pushed myself away from Kol. "You two can handle this outside, while I go inside." I tell them stepping into the mansion. "Now where's my besties?" I grin to myself. "Bekah isn't here at the moment." Kol called from the door.

"Not her! Nik and Lijah!" I scolded him. "Wait until she hears about this," he mumbled to himself. "Elijah is out. Nik is perhaps in his art room." I nodded and rushed off to find him.

Kol P.O.V
"Leave." I ordered Damon as soon as Valentine left to seek my brother.

"Ha, yeah. That's not going to happen unless I have Valentine with me. Oh, and would you look at that." Damon looked around sarcastically. "She's not with me. So, either I come in and get her myself, or you tell her to bring her pretty little head here." He warned me.

I laughed and took a step closer to him. "I don't know what game you think you're playing here Salvatore, but it seems like our dearest Val does not want to leave. So leave, or I will not hesitate to rip your heart out." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Looks like my heart might be ripped out. May I come in for a drink before hand? I'm a little thristy." He goes to push past me.

I sigh and snap his neck. "There's too much finish roaming a round." I close the front door and walked away.

I sat next to Nik as Kol strolled in with all his glory. I roll my eye at him. "What happed to Damon?"

"Took care of him." He pour himself a glass of bourbon. "How come you haven't gotten alcohol poisoning yet?" I asked him off the top of my mind.

"I'm immortal." He tipped his drink at me with a smirk. I can feel Nik's anger light up the room. "Kol." He growled. I sit here confused. Twilight. OMG SPARKLES!

I run up to Rebekah's room. "Valentine!" I heard Klaus yell from the living room. I quickly grabbed the sparkles from her shelf and rushed back downstairs.

"Your a vampire?" I asked Kol. "Looks like she isn't just a pretty face." He smirked. I threw the sparkles all over him. "Pinks your color." I smirk. He angrily glared at me and the fangs and veins come out.

I want to learn that magic trick to be honest. "You little-." I tilt my head waiting from him to continue. But he didn't.

"Oh my..." I looked over to see Rebekah dropping her shopping bags. She quickly turned her head in my direction. "Not you, again!" She glared at me. "Oh come on Beks. We all know you missed my beautiful face." I grin at her.

Her glare turned amused. "Sparkles look quite well on you brother." She laughed. "I can not disagree." Nik laughs. "Have you thought about becoming a twilight character? You would be amazing- where are you going?" Rebekah laughed as Kol stormed up the stairs.

"You'll regret this Valentine." He growled. "I don't think so." I joined in with the laughter.

"So what are we doing today?" I look at Rebekah and Klaus.  They still looked amused.

"You're coming with me." I groaned annoyed. All I want is BTS now..

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