Chapter N.I.N.E

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                      Father Salvatore/DamonI look over my shoulder to see Damon

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                      Father Salvatore/Damon
I look over my shoulder to see Damon. "I prefer not to." I crossed my arms. "That's why no one asked you, baby Bennett." He looked past me and at Nik and Rebekah.

"That's why no one is listening to you, Father Salvatore." I shot back at him. He pulled me by my wrist.

"Let her go." Klaus ordered. "I prefer not to have her with my enemies. She's not going to be used as a blood bag. Especially while she's on my watch." Damon hissed. I furrow my eyebrows. I feel slow for not knowing what's going on.

"Okay, it looks like you three need to work this out. So, I'll be on my way." I turn on my heal to walk away. "Stop." Rebekah called out. I groaned and turned back to them.

"Look, I don't have time for your mysterious problems. I have problems of my own." I point out. "Ha. Yeah, like what?" Damon raised an eyebrow.

I fidget around and play with my hands sheepishly. "I, uh, I do things." I insisted. "That's still not telling us what things are exactly." Damon stared at me. "Oh, fug off." I glare at him.

"Fug is not a word." Damon looked at me like I was dumb. Who the fug is he? I look at him up and down with disgust. "Who are you? The dictionary police?"

"I think we should get you home." He made a face then placed his hands on my shoulders turning me around. "See you, hopefully never again." Damon pushes me towards the door.

"Or I could just kill you." Klaus suggested while grabbing Damon's shoulder.

"You guys are so arrogant. 'Oh, I could just kill you. Oh, I'll just rip your tongue out. Oh, I will rip your heart out.'" I mocked them in a deep voice.

They turned and looked at me. I just roll my eyes and storm out the door for a dramatic effect. I'm not really mad.

"Looks like I don't need to kidnap baby Bennett after all." I heard Damon tell them.

I looked at my phone to see Vermont calling me. I furrow my eyebrows because he never calls me.

"Hello?" I answer walking towards the house. "Val.." I heard Vermont sniff. I instantly became worried. I may not like him, but he's still my little brother.

"What's wrong?" I slowed down. "It's dad." He tells me. "Is he okay? What happened?" I asked quickly. "He got in a car accident." I froze. "Is it bad?" I ask quietly. "He's in a coma.. it's really bad."

I dropped my phone and stared at nothing. "Val?" I didn't answer. "Val?" I stood there. I can't loose another parent.

"Baby Bennett." I chin getting lifted up. "Look at me." He ordered. My eyes became glassy. "What's wrong?" Damon asked worriedly. I stared at my phone. He picked up my phone.

"Whose this?" He asked sternly. He listened for a second. "She'll call you back." He placed my phone in his pocket and signed. "I got you." I felt him pull me into his arms.

"I need to go back." I mumble into his shoulder. "I have to go." I mumble again and started to pull away. "Valentine, calm down." I felt a gust of wind. "My dad is hurt. I have to go." I frantically say pulling away to see we're in a house.

It's unfamiliar. I never seen this place before. Must be his place. Damon pulls me back into a hug and smoothed my hair down.

After a long time of Damon comforting me it was really late. "It's getting late." I nod. "Thanks Father Damon." I laugh sadly. "Anytime kid." He ruffled my hair.

"Even though we started off rough, you and your smart mouth grew on me." He tells me before he handed me my phone back. He then received a call.

"Yeah. I'm on my way." He hangs up his phone. "Can you get home okay? I have to go take care of something." He told me and I once again nodded.

"Oh, one question." "What's up?" He asked. "How did we get here?" I tilt my head.

Sorry for the short chapter. It will be longer next time! Thank you for all the reads, votes, and comments! I appreciate them very much!

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