❧ eleven

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kunpimook bhuwakul grinned devilishly.

him and yugyeom were currently taking charge of customer service while mark was somewhere unknown, and had big plans. they were going to act like teenage rebels, as usual. it really wasn't even that funny, but bambam and yugyeom were definitely going to get their kicks out of it.

"ready?" yugyeom asked, trying not to burst into laughter.

"mhmm." bambam nodded, grinning at yugyeom.

"okay, and start!" yugyeom whispered, pressing the intercom button.

"may i have your attention please?" bambam said in a weird voice, the two trying not to giggle. "may i have your attention please? will the real slim shady please stand up? i repeat, will the real slim shady please stand up."

yugyeom lifted his finger off of the button and the two burst out into laughter, dashing out of the customer service room and finding a hiding spot. they saw some of the peoples reactions, and it made them laugh even more. it was stupid, yeah, but they still thought it was fucking hilarious.

"YUGYEOM AND BAMBAM, YOU'RE SO DEAD!" jinyoung shouted, dashing after the two as they ran quicker.

"dip!" bambam yelled, pulling yugyeom down the makeup aisle, hiding at the end of the shelves. thankfully, jinyoung dashed past the aisle, not knowing they were there, and two looked at each other with glee.

"oh my god!" yugyeom grinned, trying not to laugh too loudly. bambam tried controlling his laughter as well, covering his mouth so that less noise would be let out.

"that was great!" bambam giggled, the two finally calming down and catching their breaths.

they looked up at each other again, holding their gazes for a bit. bambam's cheeks heated up, he had just noticed how close they were standing next to each other. yugyeom cleared his throat and backed away slightly, looking anywhere but bambam himself. the smaller boy looked away as well, staring down at his shoes.

what interesting shoe laces.

"FOUND YOU!" jinyoung shouted, startling the two boys. bambam yelped and gripped onto yugyeom's bicep, slightly hiding behind him. yugyeom almost wanted to yell in happiness at that, but kept his cool, standing up straighter and glaring at jinyoung.

"what?" yugyeom said with a bored tone, trying to act cool for bambam.

"i am personally going to rip off your kneecaps,"

"that's like, mad unsettling dude." bambam snorted, still gripping onto yugyeom with his life.

"i'll fucking kill you, bam." jinyoung narrowed his eyebrows. "also, that 'prank' of yours was so old."

"it was still funny!" bambam whined.

"yeah." yugyeom nodded, nonchalantly wrapping his arm around bambam's shoulders. the smaller blushed a bit, but moved closer to him.

"the next time you do it, i will literally boil your teeth. now behave, you fucking pubescent shits." jinyoung said sternly, walking down the aisle with an annoyed look present on his features.

yugyeom and bambam looked at each other again, giggling as they still held onto each other. bambam blushed, but kept eye contact with the taller boy.

it was like some magnetic force was trying to pull them together, yugyeom's head ever-so slowly leaning down, bambam slowly standing up on his tip-toes. both of their hearts pounded in their chests, waiting for the other to make the first move.

their faces were so close, just a little bit further and their lips could be on each others. both bambam and yugyeom were nervous, though. what was really even going on? it was such a random moment too, neither one of them was sure if they should just continue.

bambam was just about to stand on his tip-toes all the way when a customer walked around the corner, looking for help.

"excuse me, um, can i get some help? i can't find something.." they said politely, looking at them.

"o-oh, yeah, sure!" bambam said, pushing himself away from yugyeom. he smiled softly at the girl, trying to compose himself again. "what do you need help with?"

"um, i don't really know what makeup i should get.. do you think you could help me?" she asked shyly.

"of course!" bambam smiled, starting to walk her down the aisle. he turned around for a few seconds, offering a shy smile to yugyeom. "i'll see you later, yeah?" he said softly. yugyeom nodded his head and watched as bambam turned away.

"oh my god!" yugyeom exclaimed, burying his face into his hands. he laughed a bit, shaking his head at the wild thought. did that really just happen? were their faces really that close together?

was he really that much of a fucking pussy?  

like damn.


"i almost made out with him!" bambam squealed, giggling to himself in the mirror. he buried his red face in his hands, giggling even more. he was so happy. "our faces were so close!"

he couldn't stop giggling and swaying himself around, his heart pounding in his chest. it would definitely be a billion times worse if their lips met even for the most brief second. even that thought made bambam jump around in happiness.

he couldn't even begin to explain how happy he was. he was just.. happy. that's all he could conclude at the moment.

maybe next time they'd get even closer. maybe their lips would finally meet, after the years of bambam longing to feel yugyeom's pretty lips against his own. god, that'd be just the absolute bomb.

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