Chapter 38 Antidote

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Nobody POV
I'm probably going to die now. Maybe I'll die before getting the antidote. Stop thinking like this! Then there would of been no reason to come!

The thoughts echoed in Brick Jojo's mind. He switched his red shirt for a black shirt matching the rest of him. Instead of having troubles he cut his hair to a long ponytail that reached the middle of his back and even so stuffed that in his hat.

"I still look like a girl with or without floor length hair." he said to himself "Besides, I don't even like my hair short."

From the last visit he made sure to memorize HIM's lair. He took a deep breath looking at the picture of him and Blossom stuck to the top corner of his mirror.

"I'll make this right," he smiled.

Looking at the picture of his brothers on Father's Day. him, his brothers, whole family, even Blitz.

"You aren't my father," he cracked the glass. Making sure not to wake his brothers up.

"Brick?" Boomer wiped his eyes "Why are you up at 3:35am in the morning?"

"Just hungry," he said

"Still worried about Bloss? We all are, she'll wake up," Boomer said with a reassuring smile. "Are you here? It's pitch black I can't even see you."

"Don't turn on the light!" he yelled quiet enough not to wake anyone. "You might wake someone. I'm just hungry."

"K whatever," Boomer yawned walking back in his room.

Brick floated past Blitz on the couch and Butch passed out on the kitchen table. Into the night sky Brick flew to the edge of the woods.
"Come on Brick! The picnic's this way!"
"God girl will you stop pulling me! I got two legs and I can walk!"
"Why can't you and Butch be like Boomer and Blitz!"

"I'm trying still," Brick thought. His eyes glowed a scarlet red color. A large red portal opened and he flew in.

"No going back."

During this on the other side of town, Blossom was sweating in her sleep. Her sisters all piled into the room asleep to watch over her  for the night.

Blossom's  dream played over with no end, terrifying events and harsh memories played over. So scared she could only mumble so quietly.


Meanwhile, Brick's minds were set on how long before the red devil he thought as a father noticed he arrived in his domain.

"Well I say," HIM smirked "I believe a certain red eyed boy has wandered to far from home. He has entered my domain."

"He probably doesn't know I'm here," Brick thought. "He probably put the antidote same place as the poison."
"Stop now Blitz."
"Because you might drink the things with bones on them. Those are not good."

"Damn fool, you gave my the answers throughout my life," Brick silently laughed to himself.

Meanwhile HIM is trying to see whoever entered his home will get till HIM recognizes.

"Whoever this person is clearly came for a reason." HIM thought aloud "What is it though? The only one who would come for a reason is......hmm, love. Make you do the dumbest things."

With HIM catching on to the person in his domain and time beating on Blossom. Brick kept running.

"Where is the kitchen! 4 o'clock and I'm stuck!" Brick yelled "This place goes on forever."

He stepped forward and was almost stabbed by spike.

"Keep your head together! One wrong move then the promise would of been in vain!" he said to himself.

Wandering around the now seemingly forever place he searched but couldn't find the kitchen.
I'll die soon. Why did I come? Blossom knew what was happening why? Wasn't she scared like everyone else?

"Worthless Boy," echoed in his head.

"No, I am not Worthless." he said and continued running. Finally making it to the kitchen inside the cabinet was...... nothing.

"No! No! This isn't right!"

"Brick?" A sweet voice said. Behind him was Blossom in her pajamas glowing pink. "Brick why are you here? Why weren't you home?"

"B-Blossom," he stuttered. Even though the girl looked like Blossom and had the same sweet face, she didn't feel like Blossom. This girl gave off a dark cold hollow feeling compared to Blossom's warm, light, happy sweet feeling.

"Why did you leave me Brick? All alone. You wanted me to die, Brick?"


"Why are you here? I died last night, in my sleep."

"No, no no no. No! No! We still had time!"

Blossom POV

I shot up from my bed scared and sweating. Heavily breathing woke my sisters. One thing from the nightmare echoed my mind.


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