Chapter 7 Buttercup's Heart

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Bubbles POV

Chase, Butch, Buttercup, Boomy.

Chase yelled at Buttercup

Butch defended her

Chase and Butch fought

Boomer joined

Bunny used hyper shriek

Everyone is sitting in quiet.

I really wish everyone would just stop for a minute and relax for God's sake.

Buttercup POV

Finally Chase left since he wouldn't apologize.

"Your still coming over right?" Butch asked

"Yeah stupid," I laughed. "Not like Chase scared me for life."

"If that ass messes with you, you can tell me." he smiled "Or take him on yourself."

"I'll tell him Butch sent me," I smiled. He smiled and left.

I closed the door and pushed my back against it in a loud sigh.

"I hope you're not letting Chase get to you," Bubbles said

"No, not that something way different," I sighed

I think I like Butch

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