Chapter 32 Dead Man

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Butch POV

"I'm going to kill you."

Brick, Bloss, Blitz had to hold me back. I was making it pretty damn difficult. Bunny was trying to get Buttercup out of toxic shock.

"Butch what the fuck?!" Boomer yelled

"You little bastard!" I yelled

"Butch calm down, nothing to mad at!" Blossom said. Like hell there is.

"Enough!" Bunny yells enough to crack the glass cup on the table. "We should of stopped this before it got to that. Boomer that's not Bubbles, she in Blossom's room. You kissed Buttercup. Buttercup change back before Butch murders him."

She did, instead of Bubbles, Buttercup came and cupped her mall hands around my face. Everyone let go of me.

"Butch it's me, not Bubbles," she said as I looked into those lime green eyes.

Boomer's face was in shock. "What?!"


I cut her off by kissing her. She waved her arm back telling everyone we're good. We broke the kiss and I heard Buttercup try to catch her breath. I buried my head in the crook of her neck with the rest of the room fell silent.

(Boomer is burying his head in a pillow trying to sort out what happened. Blushing)

"Mine....."I muttered "And your's.."

"Mine," she replied with a small giggle, almost mockingly.

A loud yawn broke the tension jn the room. The real Bubbles walk down the stairs.

"Hey," she yawned "What happened down here?"

"Nothing!" Boomer said eyeing us.

"Just thinking of ideas in case Princess comes back," Buttercup said my arm still around her.

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