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I forgot to mention in my last chapter that I do not own any videos or images in this story. The video above belongs to Sugarberryart.

Edited on: 6/07/21



Stupid fucking school.

Talk about a shit education system. I learn more from watching YouTube than I do being forced to write down algebra equations. At this point, the only reason I even show up is because I need that attendance before the school board kicks me out for missing so many days. And I'm not exactly willing to end up like my parents either. So I'll stay but I'm not happy about it.

Plenty of  'exciting' things happen in South Park but it's been relatively quiet as of late and I don't know what to make of that. The most unexpected thing that's happened in the last  couple of days was that new kid moving in. Kyle warmed up to him pretty quickly so no one else has had any trouble with him yet. This is noteworthy; Kyle doesn't trust easily and he tends to dislike new people that are added to our little group even more than most. From what I could tell people just call him Butters and that's all fine and dandy, until you realise high school is pretty fucking horrible to endure with a nickname like that. It certainly doesn't help that the kid looks way too nice for his own good so add that onto everything else and we've got ourselves a future victim.

Let's face it, most people here are complete assholes, and that includes me at times. I can own up to that. It's genuinely refreshing when you meet people that are genuinely nice since you're so used to dipshits. But that guy will go through pure hell for the next year or so until stuff like this won't affect him anymore. If it ever stops affecting you. Sometimes I get bothered by what others say.

The one thing I'm really worried about is Cartman. I don't even want to be there when that fat fuck is introduced to Mr. Sunshine and Butterflies over here. That shit is going to go down like the Titanic- in tears and possibly death.

I'm exaggerating but not without a good reason. Eric Cartman is well known for his acts of cruelty and I doubt he'll do anything less than cruel when he meets Butters for the first time.

The hour ended with me not learning a single thing, which is just great because we have exams in a month's time and I am still very much struggling to write expressions and solve linear graphs so it's good to know I'm screwed beyond any hope for repair.

I stepped out of the classroom and headed towards my second period; History.

Superb...highlight of my fucking day.

I take out my phone to check the time and I bump into someone. I almost apologise until I realise who it is.

The fatass. Speak of the devil and he shall appear-but a few minutes late because he stopped at Dunkin Donuts on the way.

"'Sup Cartman?" I ask, putting my phone away. I'm not exactly trying to stay on his good side; I'm just tired of having to argue with him so it's better to just let it go and be polite when he's around. It's like...refusing to fully acknowledge someone and trying to keep conversation as brief as you can.

"I'm just hanging around, Kenny." He replies, looking over his shoulder. "I'm fucking skipping P.E. There's no way I'm doing any of that right now." He's trying to sound cool but it just comes off as the type of shit a middle schooler would say to sound edgy. Not to mention, it wouldn't hurt him to lose a few pounds judging by his circle of a stomach.

"Fatass." I mutter under my breath.

Not quite under enough.

"Fuck you Mccormick." He flips me off, face as red as a lobster, matching his shirt almost. Quite silly if you think about it, "Anyway, you've seen the new kid yet? Fancy giving him a beating after school?"

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