First night

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The video above belongs to Jenny retona .

Note: This chapter may be a bit shorter and just so you know, this may be the third to last chapter of this story.



Butter's Pov :

Cole was sitting one of the benches as I stepped inside.

"Huh, you actually made it." He stated as he stood up.

"Back in time before 10? Well then I suppose I did." I said taking my coat off in the process.

He scoffed "I didn't know you had such moron friends."

I flinched slightly "They aren't morons, they are extremely nice and loyal, even Craig if you get to his core."

"Right. How well do you know them anyway?" He asked as we made our way toward the elevator.

"Umm, let's see. For about 3-4 months now." I scratched the back of my neck, close to the wound I got from Eric on the first day of school.

"You shouldn't relay on them so much then." He responded simply.

"Should I trust and relay you then?" I asked sarcastically.

He shrugged his shoulders "Never said you should."

That ended the conversation as we entered the elevator.

We soon came to our floor. There were a bunch of toddlers lined up one after the other , in order to get them quietly into their rooms.

"I used to be one of those little monsters."  remarked Cole coldly as we went past them.

"It couldn't have been that bad surely." I responded,  glancing at the tired but happy kids being sorted into their bedroom.

"It wasn't , for them, I just lived in my whole world until the age of 8. Some thought I was autistic."  He stated.

I just nodded as I placed my hand on the doorknob and peeped inside.

"Where's Drake?" I asked , realising there was no one else in the room.

"I don't know, probably went down to take a shower." He replied lazily and flopped onto his bed.

"Alright." I stated as I grabbed some PJs to change into.

"Do you know where the bathroom is?" I asked.

"Umm yeah when you get out of the room, to your left at the end of the corridor." He explained.

"Thanks." I said and exited the room.

I saw Drake coming out of the bathroom, in a plain shirt and shorts.

"Ayy, fresh meat. What's up?" He came up to me and raised his fist.

I awkwardly bumped his fist "Just going to get ready for bed."

"Cool, well see you later then." He waved and sprinted back to our room.

They both seem so nice yet living with them might be a nightmare.

The bathroom was quiet and peaceful but slightly too dark and so I kept tripping and bumping into objects.

The whole building was silent and I didn't want to be the one to break it, so I tip toed gently back to my room , to be greeted by Cole and Drake who were still wearing their regular clothes.

"Aren't you guys  getting ready for bed?" I asked , sitting on my bed.

Cole shook his head "Nah , we'll change after  we finish scaring the little ones."

"Huh?" I raised an eyebrow.

"We do this every night , it's fun really and we never got caught." Drake laughed but Cole shot him a glare.

"First of all, last time we nearly did because you dropped your wallet in the kid's bedroom." Cole folded his arms " Second of all we only do it because it's kinda tradition. I mean we got scared shitless by older children when we were their age and we turned out fine."

"I don't think I want to scare the little ones." I sighed.

"That's fine really, besides it's your first night, you just came back from town . We wouldn't let you come anyway. You need to sleep or the staff will think we kept you up all night , telling you our escape  plans in gore detail." Cole said automatically.

Drake pulled a face "Might have happened before."

I chuckled "Go have fun guys."

Cole smirked "We will." He announced and put on his , actually terrifying, mask .

Five minutes later I was alone in the pitch black room until I heard my phone buzz.

It was a message from Kenny.

Kenny👌👈:Hey ButterscotchSup?

Butters🖐: trying to sleep , you?

Kenny👌👈: Shit sorry,  did I wake you?

Butters🖑: Nah I just in bed , besides I'm not really tired.

Kenny👌👈: you should try getting some sleep though, it's been a busy night.

Butters🖑: you home?

Kenny👌👈: yeah luckily my parents are both asleep so we'll be fine until morning.

Butters🖑: Text me then will ya?

Kenny👌👈: I promise, goodnight.

Butters🖑: night, love you.

I did not just write that. Oh God can I delete this . I hate my life. Look what happens when you are too tired.

Kenny👌👈: Love you too Buttercup😙

  I really couldn't help but smile as I put my phone down.

I really don't know what me and Kenny are right now. Only 3 days ago did I thought we were best friends and now all of a sudden  I can tell him I love him , with no problem whatsoever. Like it's a normal thing.


And now I can't sleep. I wish I had one of those sleeping tablets my mom used to take whenever she and dad had a fight. Apparently she couldn't sleep after one of these fights and since she needed to wake up early in the morning , she used those.

Maybe I should make a little visit to my old house. I think it's for sale now. Better go there and see what I can take before someone buys the house.

I think at one point I actually fell asleep until I heard screeching children and small little feet running down the hall.

I sighed as I laid back down, the screaming now so loud I had cover my ears.

This actually hurt. Screams, runs , creepy laughter.

It sounded as if there were dozens of children being murdered outside.

And I for once was glad I wasn't a toddler anymore.

Right, I hate to break it to you since I really like writing this as well but the story is going to end in a two chapter's time.

I don't want to make the story too long because it wouldn't really be the pleasent to read then.

Anyway I'll post on Sunday and the last chapter will probably be next Wednesday.

Bye you lot😋

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