Mission Impossible

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The video above belongs to WALES2468.  So this chapter will be an average one , not too long not too short and the next one should  come out Friday or Saturday .

Edited: 8/04/23


A lot of weird crap happens in South Park.

This shouldn't come as such a big surprise. Like at all. Even though I distinctly remember things being weird before, shit really hit the fan in 3rd grade and onwards. We've dealt with a number of oddities in our lives.

To count a few, we had problems with aliens, demons, talking towels (Don't ask), Cartman and so on. Sometimes at the same time. Which I actually consider a sort of...accomplishment but whatever. I don't expect a medal.

Obviously, all of these 'events' so to speak made me, understandably, into a much more vigilant person than I would have been otherwise. Just in case something happens. And that's the thing-something weird and unexpected always happens.

However, I never expected, in my whole, entire life, that I would be given the role of acting as a secret agent in a life-threatening mission whilst surveying one of my best friend's coming out dinner from outside his house. Wild, right?

My job seemed pretty simple, in all fairness. Just stick around Kyle's house whilst he tells his parents that he is dating Stan (I know, how cliche right?) and then, should his mother throweth a fiteth, I'm meant to go in and 'rescue them'. And by that, I mean I need to help them escape in the confusion and then drive them all to my place until things settle down. They chose me, even though I don't own a car, because I'm actually a pretty good driver when I'm not high off my tits and so, it was decided. I was to be the getaway driver. Driving Craig's car.

Yes, he's already threatened me.

I sat there, leaning against the wall, pretending to be James Bond. But then Craig, that rude fuck, had to come and ruin the fun.

"Stop trying to look cool, Mccwhoredick. And what's with that face? You look like you're constipated. "

I flipped him off but didn't have much else to say to him. That big revelation from yesterday was still on my mind and I still couldn't seem to register what had actually happened.

Yesterday, when Stan revealed his relationship status went from taken to single to taken all in one night, we were pretty shook. By all means, I see it, you know? Him and Kyle? It was to be expected.

Everything else made things more complicated. For one, we're not even gonna discuss the Wendy situation. For two, Stan told us they planned on telling Mrs. Broflovski about their...uh...reinvented friendship to put it discreetly today over dinner. And I guess they just needed us for emotional support because they already knew things were going to go downhill from here.

But anything for love, I suppose.

The idea is that we'll all go and hang out and play video games afterwards at Craig's place.

And so we stood there, outside Kyle's house, in the freezing cold-which would've probably killed me already if I didn't have my  parka on. Typical. Even Mother Nature has it out against me.

In retrospect, running away from the growing problem that is Mrs, Broflovski is not ideal. And I'm sure Stan and Kyle know that. They'll have to face her eventually, sit her down and explain to her that, like it or not, the two of them plan on dating from now on. However, I do agree that won't happen if she gets one of her irrational fits of anger. If they wait until she's cooled down a bit, there's a big chance it will go rather smoothly.

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