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The video above belongs to Salted Voices. The next chapter should be this Saturday.

Edited: 21/08/2022



OK, can someone explain to me what the fuck is going on?

I mean, Kyle has been skipping around the corridors of the school as if he was cosplaying Mary Poppins or a drunk leprechaun on St. Patrick's day, Stan has been a lot more distracted, to the point he's bumped into several walls within the last two hours and Butters is just as confused as me.

"Mccormick!" Mrs Brown, my lovely art teacher and the sole reason I haven't been able to unleash my unrivalled creativity in this fucking class, lost her shit with me completely considering this is the fourth time I stopped paying attention to her, "I told you to go partner up with someone."

She went back to the board, clearly annoyed judging by the angry scribbling she was doing with the chalk and the whole class started sniggering, as if we were still in pre-school.

"Grow the fuck up people." I whispered, rolling my eyes at their immaturity.

That shut them up.

Coincidentally (not really though) I decided to partner up with my dear old friend Craig, who happens to be the very definition of the term 'asshole' in the dictionary and could make a career out of flipping people off if it was possible. If he got a penny each time he decided to give someone the finger, he'd become a millionaire easily.

"Sup Fucker." I smirked and kicked my bag under his table, purposefully hitting his leg in the process and invading his personal space the moment I sat down just to piss him off more.

"Nothing much, you Mccwhoredick?" He flipped me off and I was glad to return the favour.

"Why the fuck do we need to partner up in Art?"

He shrugged "How about we draw some bowls of fruit?"

"Har har har, I laugh at your joke. Now, do you know what's going on with Stan and Kyle?" I asked, as quietly as I could because the teacher was getting  suspicious and giving me death glares harsh enough to kill me on the spot.

He sighed, "Yeah, Stan called me earlier today. Have you talked to him?" He sounded disinterested.

I nodded, remembering the brief phone call I had with him that morning.

"I guess we'll find out soon enough, " He said as he took out his art sketch book, encouraged by yet another glare from Mrs. Brown.

About half an hour later, we stood before the monstrosity we created, fully displayed for the whole class to see; it was supposed to be a house with cows outside of it but the pain started running down the canvas and now it just looked as if we smeared mud all over the fucking thing.

Craig gave up half way and just started doodling (mostly his boyfriend) even though I kept telling him that I would just take credit for everything otherwise.

He gave me an indifferent look before raising his middle finger and continuing to colour in Tweek's hair,"I don't care. This is dumb."

"Fuck you." I stated, not really thinking as I tried to add another layer of blue to the sky.

"I already did." He smirked, without looking up.

"We do not talk about that time," I warned, rounding on him and wagging my finger in an exaggerated motion, "Besides, we technically didn't. We never got to second base."

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