It's Just Some Head Trauma, Relax!

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This is video also belongs to Sugarberryart.  Man , I just love her art style in general and her South Park vids are really cool.

Edited: 11/07/21


When I woke up, the first thing I realised was that my back hurt like hell and that I couldn't move my left arm too well. I tried sitting up but it felt like said arm was on the verge of giving out and that's obviously not good.

Honestly, I was in too much pain to even sort out my own thoughts and I felt sleepy, really tempted to just shut my eyes again. I didn't. Someone gripped my shoulder and started shaking me a bit, which caused me to actually wake up instead of drifting off again.

A certain redhead was staring at me, obviously concerned judging by his expression.

"Hey Kyle," I winced a bit as I tried propping myself back up on my elbows.

"Don't fucking dare move, Butters." He glared at me and I felt odd because I was in a room I didn't recognise, with Kyle next to me, acting as if I had broken both of my legs.

I gave him a really confused look. Actually, 'confusion' doesn't even begin to cover it.

"Fuck, do you actually not remember? God, what the hell am I going to do if you have a concussion? If it's really that bad, I should call an ambulance-"

"What? No!" Denying the idea right away, I laid back down and squinted at the ceiling, trying to remember how I got there. Some blurry memories came back to me and I did recall feeling a sharp pain at the back of my head but other than that, I can't think of much.

"Did I fall or something?" I placed my hand at the back of my nape, where I felt the most pressure "I do remember hitting my head on...something."

Kyle shook his head slowly.

"That's what happens when you get assaulted by a fatass with a baseball bat. Ugh, I knew I shouldn't have told you to go through the back of the school-completely forgot that's where that psychopath lurks all the time."

Now I remember. Kinda. It's all fuzzy, if that makes sense? The fatass? That boy I bumped into while walking to first period? Kyle referred to him as that back then too.

Did he come up behind me? A baseball bat? Where'd he get a baseball bat? He certainly doesn't look like the sporty type. I don't know that guy or why he would buy a bat just to beat me with it. Maybe he uses it on kids regularly. That's terrifying, now that I think about it. Who does that?

"Kyle, were you there? Did you see anything? I literally have trouble remembering anything past me stepping off school grounds." I flinched as a sudden wave of pain washed over me, trying to listen to Kyle's story.

"I wasn't there for the most part dude!" He slammed his hand against the armrests of the chair he was sitting in "When I finally saw the commotion and came over, fucking McCormick was there. And he was absolutely pounding his ass into the ground. Jealous I couldn't participate but satisfied nonetheless. I'm guessing Kenny reached his boiling point with him. Sorry man."

I already knew Kenny was nice but I didn't think he'd actually jump in to save me like that. Especially since we barely just met. There were a lot of mixed messages I got from that thought alone. I couldn't really decide whether him protecting me was a good thing or not.

"How long did you wait for me to get up?" I moved my arm a little bit, testing it to see if I twisted it or something. It hurt but I had no reason to believe it was broken.

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