Settling in

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The video above belongs to Sugarberryart. Also this chapter may be very, very short and I'm sorry about that but I'll post again tomorrow and it will be a longer chapter.

Anyway Enjoy


Butter's Pov :

The orphanage wasn't as bad as I thought it would it be.

I mean, from all the TV shows I've ever watched , orphanages are usually  old, smelly and full of mean children and horrible carers.

It was exactly the opposite when I've arrived. A police officer escorted me to this place himself from the hospital. Kenny had to stay behind and I got dragged into a police car then into this weird place , I have never seen before.

The walls seemed freshly painted , bright colours both inside and outside. There was a garden at the back where little 1st graders we playing tag in. Toys were scattered everywhere as I made my way inside this huge building I am now supposed to call home.

There was an information desk and a few benches, which made me assume it was the waiting room.

I went straight to the information desk. A 20 year old man , raised his head at me, smiling sympathetically.

"How can I help you?" He asked as he placed some papers neatly on his desk.

"Um I'm Leopold Stotch. I got sent here after... after..." I struggled for words as he grabbed some papers that he just printed out.

"Oh yeah, Leopold Stotch, age : 16 gender: male .  Parents died in a car crash. No other 'appropriate' relatives alive." He bit his lip as he looked at me.

"You didn't really have an easy life eh?" He asked taking his glasses off to wipe them.

I shook my head in amusement  "I don't know what the word easy means, sir."

"Well no need to worry, you'll be just fine here for two years." He stated happily.

I nodded but something kept bothering me.

"Do I get to get out? Like you know with friends and..." Again, I just can't seem to find the right words to express my feelings.

"Yes, you are allowed since you are above the age of 14. We used to let people above the age of 12 last year but there was a small incident." He paused.

I raised an eyebrow "Incident?"

He shook his head dismissevely "Don't worry about it. I'm sure you'll get along with everyone else. There aren't many children your age but you sharing your dormitory with another 2 boys, is that alright?"

I nodded "Yeah it's cool. Where's my room?"

" Third floor , room 218 . You can use the lift or take the stairs." He smiled genuinely once again.

"Thanks ." I backed away from the already impatient line and went towards the lift.

There was only one other person in it.

"I'm going up." He announced as he pointed upwards.

"Yeah me too. " I said stepping in.

After a few seconds of silence he turns around to face me.

"You new or something?" He asked frowning slightly.

"I just got here." I replied.

"Cool." He said lazily " Cuz I didn't recognise you."

"I'm Leo but everyone calls me Butters " I offered my hand.

He shook it "Cole , I'm 16 and lived in this damned place all my life."

I raised an eyebrow  "All your life, I thought this place just opened?"

"Not in this particular one,  I lived in an orphanage all my life."  He replied.

The lift door opened and we stepped outside.

"I think you're my roommate.  They said I'll have a new one." He said simply.

"A new one? What happened to your old one?" I questioned.

"Got sent in another orphanage,  got caught smoking weed in the garden a few days ago. Fucking idiot." He responded as we stood in front of our room.

"Listen , rules here say we have to have 3 people sharing a room, which is fine because they are pretty big. The third guy is called Drake and he may look intimidating but believe he's a teddy bear , alright?"

He didn't wait for a response as he opened the door to my new room.

He was right, the rooms were pretty large. Bigger than most rooms in South Park houses.  There were 3 beds  and on one of them was another boy , looked about a year older than us.

"Hey Drake, we have a new roomate, Butters." Cole said grabbing my arm and bringing me forward.

'Drake' stood up  "Fresh meat huh?"

Cole sighed " Stop trying to act as if you are in prison. Just introduce yourself for fuck's sake. "

Drake laughed "Right, sorry . I do this shit all the time."

Cole nodded frantically " He does."

He came over and offered his hand "The name is Drake , nice to meet you, was it Butters?"

"Yeah." I responded quietly my voice dry for not speaking in a long time.

He nodded "You go to school?"

"Yes, South Park High School." I stated.

"We dropped out." Cole butted in "We have tutors coming here and teaching us ."

"True." Confirmed Drake.

"Awesome." I stared at them in awe. I honestly thought I was get horribly bullied by them too. Turns out I was wrong about a lot of things.

"Well we'll let you pack. We'll come after you at 5 for dinner." Cole made his way to the door, Drake following behind.

"I'll See you later." Cole made the peace sign as they both left me in the room, alone.

I'm glad my roommates are alright, I honestly don't know what to think of this place.

I was done packing pretty soon and I was about to leave the dorm so I can go downstairs for dinner and socialising when Cole entered the room panting.

"You ok?" I asked looking worriedly at him.

"I'm fine. There's  these guys downstairs who demand they want to see you. All this led by a dude with an orange parka." He finished.

For the first and probably last time in my life, I smirked "That'd be Kenny and the guys then."

Alright this is done. I missed  writing this story. It's so fun to create and shit.

Anyway next chapter comes tomorrow hopefully.

Bye you lot😋

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