I Love You

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Such a long way, though.  This chapter should be longer and the last chapter comes on Wednesday.


Kenny's Pov :

You know that fuzzy feeling you get when you are really happy? That feeling that makes you all cozy and warm inside?

That's how I feel now. Doesn't matter if it's  2 in the morning and I can't sleep because of the bottles breaking downstairs.  

I just realised , I haven't slept with anyone in months.  Mostly because I like Butters and it wouldn't have felt right , even for me.

The fucking yelling is getting louder and I wish I could just go down there and put tape on their mouths. Maybe that would shut them up.

My eyes heavier and heavier until my eyes closed shut despite the mayhem going on downstairs.

Skip to morning time cuz why not?

My eyes shot opened as I jumped out of bed. I'm ready, at least I hope I am.

Today I'm asking Butters out . Took me a while, huh?

I grabbed some shoes on and silently tip toed my way to the front door. No one woke up yet. Good.

I left the house and walked down the abandoned street. Until I found myself to a certain redhead's house.

I knocked 3 times and after a while , Kyle decided to finally open the door.

" I see you took your time." I stated as he rubbed his eyes tiredly.

"You  fuck wad,  it's 6 in the morning, the hell do you want?" When his eyes adjusted to the light , he looked at me strangely.

"What do you want?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. 

" So I'm guessing you woke up this morning and said to yourself  I'm gonna be a sassy asshole to anyone who knocks on my door." I chuckled.

Even he couldn't hold in a small smile "You're the asshole here, Kenny, now tell me. What am I in for?"

I huffed "Quiet the story, Kyle. "

"Come on in then." He sighed and let me inside.

It was warm welcoming , more or less, since the Broflovski family always wanted to have the perfect impression of a perfect household.

I sat on the couch as Kyle entered the kitchen.

"Want coffee?" He called.

"Umm, no thanks. I'm not staying long. "  I responded,  looking around the room.

"Right."  He said and came back with a cup of coffee.

"I'm guessing your mom is alright with you and Stan then? "  I asked slowly .

" Yeah , kinda. I mean she didn't kick me  out. My dad  helped her understand. Everything's back to normal. " He paused "Unless you've done something stupid and we have to deal with more nonsense."

I shook my head "Nah, good new actually.  I'm planning on asking Butters out."

He froze. Then smiled warmly.

"Congrats dude. I mean what, it took you 3 months so you can ask him out?"  He smirked.

I stuck my tongue at him " Not my fault all this crazy shit happened and we had to delay this. "

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