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This nightcore song belongs to  Blu3BerryCupcak3.

Note: This takes place a couple of days after the initial fight. Nothing really happened in the meantime so this is where the story picks back up.



I woke up this morning a bit earlier than usual, at about half past six.  I don't know why, I've been feeling a bit off lately but my sleep schedule has never been affected like this. I spent a good ten minutes looking outside the window in my room from my position on the bed. Then I remembered it's not a window but a hole in the wall which is....great. Really highlights my experience with poverty.

I get out of bed eventually, grumpy as any kid is when they're forced to go to school. Though recently I haven't been needing much motivation to go.

For me, the social aspect of school was always the most interesting. I'm doing fine, academically speaking but I also feel like most days I drag myself out of bed just so that I can meet up with my friends. They just keep things entertaining and I do care for them, sometimes more than I  let on. Though it's true I've been wary around Stan and Kyle lately. With their constant fighting, I'm not exactly thrilled to dive right back into that.

While washing my face to try and wake myself up some more, I make up this little to-do list for today. It's something I go along with sometimes, in the morning when I have a lot of time to myself to think.

1) Avoid Cartman.

Cartman has been giving me shit for the past couple of days and I'm sick of hearing his fatass mutter insults directed at me behind my back. He never confronts me about it but he does this whenever I'm within hearing range so he can get under my skin. If I avoid him, I avoid a bigger mess that this could escalate into; simple. If an incident like what happened on Monday happened again, a few charming words won't get me out of detention and it's a drag really.

2)  Try not to die again.

This is something I always keep in mind. It doesn't work all the time, I still die most days but I've been a lot more cautious ever since I began high school. It's not the end of the world if I do end up being run over by a car but it's not exactly pleasant so I'm going try staying alive for as long as I can this week.

3) Attempt mending the broken friendship of Stan and Kyle. 

Wishful thinking. It's true they've known each other for eons but with Kyle's aggression and Stan's stubbornness, this is going to take a lot of effort. Still, I feel like it's my responsibility to try, as a mutual friend of theirs.

I left the bathroom and ran into Karen, who was also on her way to brush her teeth probably.

"Morning." I give her a brief hug. I didn't get to see much of her these past few days. I wasn't really hanging around at home so I'm happy she's managed without me.

She smiles even as she's shushes me and points at our parents' bedroom.

"Shhh, Kenny. Mom and Dad are sleeping."

Yep, can hear them both snoring right through their crappy, old door. Which is good because if they were awake, they would be picking fights with us and with each other as they usually do.

"Yeah, sorry. My bad. Lemme walk you to school, OK? I was on my way out anyway so I can drop you off." I whisper, trying to keep my parents asleep.

She just nods and skips to the bathroom to get ready.

Karen turned twelve recently and I'm fucking cautious when it comes to her because kids her age are idiots, especially boys. Source? I know from experience; I was one that hung out with a bunch of other ones.

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