Tolkien's Part PT. 1

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This video belongs to Friskingly! Anyway I really loved writing this chapter , I don't know why I did. It's longer too because I got so inspired....during school duh. Anyway



Butter's Pov :

I am supposed to be doing my history homework , like my dad said I should but I have more important things to focus on right now.

I'm still trying to figure out wether I should go to Token's party today or stay at home.

Both options have ups and downs,  if I go I'll have fun and I'll be with Kenny but I have a high risk of getting grounded . Staying home would mean I wouldn't get grounded (hopefully) but I will bored and all of my friends are going to it.

I hate this, I wish my parents would let me out , I'm 15 almost 16 and I understand that most parents won't let 16 year olds go to parties during the night because they care and love for them.  My parents obviously don't.
They say they ground me because they love me but I know they are lying because they are terrible liars, just like me.

I know what they are doing everytime  they go in town and leaving me home.
It's disgusting. I don't hate them, I really don't but they are terrible parents.

They are downstairs now, probably coming  up with an excuse to tell me why they are leaving me alone this afternoon. Great.

It felt like minutes really but it must have been hours  of me just sitting on my bed , thinking.

I came back to reality when I heard heavy footsteps up the stairs. My dad wears these really weird shoes , they are extremely heavy and they make noisy sounds when you walk in them.

I  hurriedly sat at my desk and pulled out my History homework,  pretending I was writing in it when my dad opened the door.

"Butters?" Dad peeped in my room. I'm ok with the nickname Butters at school, I'm totally fine with it but I hate it when my own parents call me that. Why did they bother naming me Leo if they are calling me Butters?

"Yes?" I replied , looking at the paper on my desk.

"Me and your mother, will um be gone for a few hours." He said opening the door properly and coming inside, my mom behind him.

"Yes hun, me and your dad are going to the bank." She said smoothly . My mother is much better at lying than my dad, at least she doesn't stop in mid sentence when telling a lie.

"For hours?" I questioned , I usually just nod whenever they tell me these dumb excuses but I'm sick of this.

"Excuse me, did you just snap at me?" Dad frowned.

I sighed "No."

"Good, now be good while we are gone." With that , they left the room.

I waited for a few minutes until I heard the front door open.

I ripped my homework in half  and knocked all of my things on the desk down. Luckily,  none of them were breakable so nothing broke .

Scratch what I said earlier , I hate them. I wish they died , I wish ....I wish they will get killed in a car crash while going to the 'Bank'.

At my old school, we used to love playing superheroes , it was and still is such a popular game.

Everyone loved making their costumes and coming up with clever nicknames. I never was a hero.

I tried, God knows I tried to be normal and play superheros like everybody else. But it didn't feel right, it didn't feel right , it didn't feel right.

So I became a villain. Simple as that. I was hurting but I didn't realise it, I still don't know what's up with me. I enjoyed being villain.

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