I'm Here

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This video above belongs to I Don't Care I Ship It.

While editing this, I had like several meltdowns on whether or not I should keep the double POV feature so that's great haha

Edited: 24/12/21


"....What. The. Actual. Fuck."

That was, essentially, what my reaction boiled down to; pure, genuine confusion. Like, I didn't exactly understand what the hell was happening. Or why. Looking back, I really should've knocked or something-then, at the very least, I wouldn't have had the misfortune of walking in on them MID-FUCKING-ACT!???

"...Stan...." Wendy sounded disappointed, the way she always did whenever she called out my name like that. As if I was the one at fault. Honestly, her sympathetic yet pitiful face made me that much angrier with her. By the looks of it, she obviously wanted to say more but I interrupted because her excuses weren't really wanted.

"No, Wendy. That's enough." I waved my hand in dismissal, not interested enough to hear her out. Placing the flowers in my hand on the bed, as carefully as I could without squashing them, I sighed and rubbed my temples in irritation, "Jesus, I already had a raging migraine to begin with but having to see you sleeping around with that fat fuck worsened my day tenfold."

"Fuck off, I'm not fat, you dumb fag!" Cartman made a point of announcing his presence, though it seemed pretty clear to me that he wasn't planning on rolling his fatass off that bed any time soon. If Kyle was here, I'm sure he'd rip him a new one for being such an asshole. And yelling slurs at the top of his lungs to add onto that because why wouldn't he?

I pointed at him and I hoped to Christ that my hand wasn't shaking as hard as I could feel it, "You can shut up now. I'll come to you in a second Cartman, just be patient for a little bit longer."

I turned my attention to Wendy, who didn't look all that upset and even though I don't know why, I really hoped she would show some regret over what she's done because it genuinely hurt. And having to sit through this conversation was gonna take a toll on me and potentially fuck me up even further, if that was possible.

"You....I don't know even know what to tell you." I scratched the back of my neck, as if that would help me figure out a good response to all this. "You're a fucked up person, Wendy. Or at least, that's what you seem like to me at the moment. I think I need to clear my head."

"Stan..." Once again, the tone of her voice implied pity and I really couldn't stand it by then. Truthfully, I didn't know whether I was mad at her, or Cartman or even myself for this whole mess. Maybe all three. I was stupid enough to believe things between me and Wendy would work out after everything that happened since elementary.

"...Can you just....not?" A sudden wave of exhaustion washed over me as my anger slowly dissipated. I guess I just ran out of energy for the day and with each passing minute, it was becoming increasingly harder to focus on the situation at hand. For some reason, I wasn't as shocked as I probably should've been.

Wendy continued to stare at me, and then she sighed.

"Just give me a minute to get changed. Then we can go and talk downstairs." She didn't wait for me to respond because she began grabbing some pieces of clothing before fleeing the room to go and change in the bathroom.

After she left, my gaze fell on Cartman who seemed to be enjoying the show of our soon-to-be break up. The way he was looking at me, with that stupid half-smirk of his managed to piss me off once again almost instantly. As far as I know, only the McDonald's icon that Cartman clearly is could do such an impressive feat.

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