Break-Up Part 2

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The video above belongs to Maguna Lovi. So I decided to post today because it's Monday and it sucks and I, personally, just started school so it sucks even more.

So hope this makes this Monday a little better.

Enjoy people.

Edited: 15/10/21



"Dude, you fucking won? Again?" He looked as if he wanted to throw that controller at me but instead he opted to smashing his fist against the nearest cushion he could find.

"Guess you could say I'm a fucking natural. Born talented, y'know." I threw the said pillow at him, smacking him on the head hard enough to shift his hat to the side slightly, "And stop abusing my couch already, the fuck has it done to you?"

Hanging out with Stan again felt surreal, more than anything else. Our fight had turned rather nasty and it got to a point where I was seriously wondering whether our friendship was beyond any hope of repair. The idea of graduating while on bad terms with the one person that helped get through it all wasn't appealing at all and just the thought of it pissed me off because looking back on it, the whole thing was just stupid and unnecessary.

Even so, I'm not sure we reached the the conclusion of the argument since we barely addressed it. I mean, we both apologised and promised to do better in the future but past that, I feel like we haven't talked about the root of the problem enough. The entire afternoon was spent playing video games together but I had the distinct impression we were deliberately avoiding that one topic and the obvious elephant in the room. I turned around only to see Stan stuffing his face with Pringles and struggling to get his hand through the can opening.

"Having trouble there? Need a tissue? Should I get mommy for you?"

"Shut up," is what I assumed he was trying to say because he was still chewing on the chips he was eating and it came out all muffled. I laughed and then I brought a bowl to pour those out into so his misery would end.

I heard my phone's notifications go off in the kitchen so I left Stan by himself for a bit to see who messaged me.


Stan must've heard my groan from the living room because he replied to my distress without actually bothering to get up, "What? Is it your mom again?"

"Nah, Ike. Little shit wants me to go and pick him up from his friend's house." I came back and noticed that he was trying to clean up the mess he made after eating like a pig on my coffee table. I forgot how shit his manners are.

"Can't relate-I don't have younger siblings."

"Yeah, no fucking wonder. You give off youngest child vibes."

I had a feeling he was gonna protest and pout like a little kid, further proving my point but I caught a glimpse of the time on my phone before he could, "Hey...uh, dude? That date with Wendy...wasn't it at 8:00?"

That got his attention. He pulled his own mobile out and cursed under out loud, "Fuck, yeah, sorry Kyle but I have to go."

I waved him off as he raced to the front entrance, watching him as he tied his shoelaces and put his coat on before finally running a hand through his hair; the Pom-Pom hat long forgotten on the floor. I picked it up and handed it to him as he stuffed it into his bag.

"Hey Stan?"


"Let's not fight over stupid shit like that again." I wasn't facing him, but out of the corner of my eye, I could see his lips curving upwards before breaking out into a smile altogether.

"You're right. I promise to stop being such a moron, yeah?" He didn't give me enough time to answer because he checked his phone again and, realising how late it was, took off running out the door a moment later.

It was too cold, so I went back inside as soon as he sprinted out of my point of view.



The one thing I've memorised perfectly, out of habit, was that Wendy really likes lilies. Well, flowers in general seem to make her pretty happy but she prefers lilies, of any colour, over anything else. It's the one gift I can rely on because otherwise I'm shit at picking presents for people. I've been friends with Kyle for what feels like centuries and I still struggle to find gifts for whatever occasion for him. So, on my way to her house, I stopped by the local flower shop for some white lilies in hopes that the overwhelmingly scented flowers would make her forget the fact that I was half an hour late.

I arrived at her front door but I don't knock out of a genuine fear of her parents being home. They actually really like me but I wouldn't say it's still not awkward between the three of us.

In the end, I couldn't do much except text her to let her know I'm outside. Really, I was on the verge of pissing myself because she was probably inside planning my execution for being an asshole. Even though she's surprisingly patient, I reckon she's had enough of me cancelling or bailing out on dates and I don't blame her anymore. She doesn't respond to my message.

Her family has a neat, little arrangement of flower pots and such outside the main entrance for the sake of the aesthetic and I remember they keep the spare key to the house in one of the vases outside. So, I go looking around for that, manage to fish out the key in question and then I hesitate.

Is this OK? I feel like this is some kind of breach of privacy. Like, I'm walking into someone's house without their consent.

After going back and forth with myself for a short while, I finally convinced myself to stop being a pussy and just opened it. The door creaked open and I put the key back before stepping inside, cautiously and obviously expecting to find her parents or something chilling out in the living room.

Except, there was no one there. And the house was quiet and I realised both of her parents' cars are missing from the drive away. Which, by the way, confirms the undeniable fact that I am an idiot seeing as my whole dilemma was that I was afraid I would be bumping into them any time soon. My dumbass didn't even spot their missing vehicles. Fuck, I might need glasses but I don't have the fashion sense of the hairstyle to pull it off.

I could her pattering coming from her room upstairs which I assumed was her getting changed. So, I waited for a little bit.

But it didn't take long before I got bored and decided to see what was the hold up. Really, I should've figured it out before I even turned the knob on her bedroom door but I guess I really was, instinctively, blocking off any extra noise I wasn't in the mood to process as important information. Kyle told me I tend to space out and only hear what I wanna hear. Said I had selective hearing which is utter bullshit. In any case, I rush inside.

I dropped my flowers out of pure shock and only flared at the sight before me.

I didn't want to believe what my eyes were showing me. It was horrifying to be honest. Like, not even bleach could cleanse me of the sins I've been witness to that day and that encounter was what put the fear of God into me like nothing else has in my 16 years of living. And I live in South Park. I saw my best friend get turned into a human centipede. This was worse.

Wendy and Cartman: naked and in a very compromising position on her bed, with covers all strewn about and uh...a can of whip cream but I'm too scared to ask about that.

I should've just stayed at Kyle's and continued to play video games with him.

Press f in the chat for goth boy.

Oh well , next chapter will be back to Butter's and Kenny's Pov and if they are not then it must mean I came up with something better to represent the plot of the next chapter.

Bye y'all.

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