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The song above belongs to Mira .
Also I decided today might be the best day to continue the story since we will be travelling for a few days and I won't have any Internet until we get home.

Edited: 5/09/21




I can't seem to catch a break in this household.

"Yeah dad?"

He opened the door to my room and peeked inside. I closed my laptop and slid it under my bed, a place I ended up abandoning it more often than not. I don't use it much though, with the exception of school work and stuff like that.

Dad came in, hands on hips and just glanced around before finally addressing me again, "Your mother and I are going out, I just thought I'd let you know. We'll be back in a couple of hours."

My parents go out quite often. I don't know whether it's because they really value their alone time that much or whether it's because they dislike having me around to the point they need to do this on a daily basis, but either way it's a common occurrence. They leave and they come back a couple of hours later. The longest it took for them to return was 2 days and I was left alone at home while waiting for them. I was 7. Obviously, they apologised but by now, I feel like I'm immune.

"That's alright dad. You have fun." I stood up and basically ushered him out of the room, through the door and into the hallway. Our new house is way smaller than our last one but I still like my bedroom and having people over feels weird. Also, if they leave, I have the house to myself and I can get on with what I need to do.

"We will son." He patted my hair and made to leave before seemingly remembering something important and facing me once again, "You should stay inside Butters. Make sure all the doors and windows are locked. I heard South Park has a slight burglary problem."

Honestly, I could never figure out if my parents were sheltering me or if they were neglecting my existence completely because sometimes it feels like they're doing both at the same time. If you're so worried about me getting potentially hurt, bring me with you?

On second thought, I probably wouldn't like that. I don't want to know what they do all day while they're gone and I don't intend to find out either. I just want to stay at home. Well, it's not like I planned to leave the house either. What would I even do?

"Yup, I know. Don't worry about me dad, I'll be fine." I wanted him to go already. He lingers too much, trying to decipher if I'm lying or not. I genuinely don't know what I did that could've made them lose their trust in me. All things aside, it doesn't matter anymore. Just leave.

Apparently he was satisfied with my trustworthiness because he nodded and just said "Good." Then he started yelling for my mom to start the car so they could get going. Late for an appointment, I think he mentioned.

And there I was, left alone at home. So depressing. Not even my parents wanted to be around me. Everything sucked. I missed my old town. Even my old school. Overall, I was just feeling nostalgic.

Well, no point stressing about it too much right? I had to man up and deal with my problems properly instead of just whining and hoping everything will get fixed all on its own. I was sixteen for God's sake.

Despite that train of thought, I didn't get up. Nor did I even attempt to move. I'm so fucking lazy.


"Kenny...what the actual hell."

When we moved here, we discovered that there was a tree located just next to my bedroom window. It's close enough to reach for one of the branches and climb in and out to your little heart's content. The tree itself doesn't look especially sturdy but it's not old and flakey either so actually using it like this is a gamble. I thought about sneaking out a couple of times via said window but I was always so afraid that I would slip and fall that I always changed my mind right before going through with it.

Promise- A Bunny south park story Where stories live. Discover now