The Big Rescue

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This chapter is practically Kenny being the best big brother in this scenario.
Although , warning there are some pretty messed up things in this.



Think, think, think,think,think!


This cannot be happening. It just can't. I've been looking out for her since the day she was born and this has never even come close to happening. I was always so careful. I paid attention to her sleep and school schedule and her health and her meals more than I ever paid my own. I've been handling it fine for so long.

Then, I hand her over to Kevin for one part of the day and this happens???

Does he...does he even know something is wrong? I texted him but no reply. Which is to be expected. He likes to get shit faced drunk around this time of day. He probably doesn't have a clue in the world about any of this. least that's what I've been telling myself as I ran around the streets, trying to figure out where to look first.

Could-could he have done something? Something bad? He's in the habit of making dumb choices when he's drunk.

But he wouldn't do that, would he? He loves Karen almost as much as me. He absolutely dotes on her. So whatever happened to cause this...couldn't have been intentional. Negligence is one of my brother's worst traits but thankfully cruelty is nowhere on that list.

It was very likely this was a misunderstanding. The two of them were probably out somewhere, (when he's at home, Kevin sometimes likes to take Karen out for ice cream-if he has spare cash, which he doesn't often) but it didn't really matter. To me, anyway. I still didn't know where they were.

What could I do? I couldn't ask mom or dad for help because they were probably passed out at some random bar at the edge of town somewhere. They wouldn't be sober enough to deal with this. And even if they were, what could they do? What if they reacted poorly and they both go batshit crazy?

The damn cops won't do anything either. Not in this fucking town anyway. They don't take anything seriously because it's not as if they ever actually get fired for it.

Then there's....


Oh right. I have friends.

A couple, anyway. But it wouldn't be fair to drag them into this. And they would be just as lost as me.

Then, I realised I've been walking for 15 minutes straight in no particular direction and bumped into a lamp post.

"Fuck me!" I shouted, more out of anger than hurt. I pulled my parka down from my head because I was getting too hot and overwhelmed with face all covered up. And sometimes, that just worsens things.

A few people were giving me the stink eye, for some reason. I suppose I looked really stupid bumping into a lamppost like that but they didn't seem to care I could've accidentally given myself a concussion.

Hello?? No one wondering whether or not I have internal bleeding?

I didn't but that's besides the point.

I finally got my bearings and decided to start searching the bars Kevin usually goes in.

If all else fails, alcoholism is the way.

By now, I'm pretty familiar with these places my brother frequents. Mostly because I've dragged his sorry ass home so many times, they've been ingrained in my brain. I could probably tell which bar is which based entirely on their front doors.

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