Tolkien's Party PT. 2

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This video belongs to Sour Lemons. Anyway this is the last part of Token's party and I decided to have Tyde in this story. LET THE CHAPTER BEGIN!



Kenny's Pov :

So after Bebe left , we kinda lost it.

I mean Clyde got drunker if that's even possible.So drunk he started skipping around Token's house singing 'Hakunna Matata'(srry if I spelt it wrong) . Cartman joined him and would occasionally jump on a table and pull down his pants , showing his ass to everyone.

And me , I started licking tables because I thought they would taste like chocolate.

"Hey Buttercup? I'm think I'm drunk..." I stumbled over my own words.

He raised an eyebrow "You think?"

Butters Pov :

I don't know if going to this party was a good or bad idea.
I guess I needed to get away from mom and dad.

I suddenly felt Kenny cling on to my arm.

"You are really drunk Kenny." I stated.

"I kno-*hic*w. I'm tired..." Kenny was still holding my arm for dear life.

I sighed "Alright Ken. Let's go find a room for you."

I don't know how I managed to carry him up the stairs. I literally had to drag him up.

And I'm pretty sure I banged his head on the steps a couple of times. I'm getting great exercise by lifting and dragging Kenny everywhere since he's twice as big as me.

I finally found a room , that was empty. You don't want to stumble over Tweek and Craig when they are drunk.

"Where are we?"Kenny yawned.

Seriously? Now he's awake, after I had to bring him up here.

"In a room, in Token's house." I explained and laid him down on brightly patterned bed.

Kenny just nodded and I thought he went back to sleep but I was highly mistaken.

Well, first off he grabbed my hand and scared the life out of me. Then he just hugged me.

"I thought you were tired." I whispered.

He let go and rubbed his eyes "I am."

"So why don't you go to sleep. You're gonna have a bad hangover in the morning. " I announced and he groaned.

"I don't want to stay alone. Besides , I it's not that late yet." Kenny whined like a 5 year old child.

I checked my phone "It's 1:05 Ken. It's practically morning."

I sat on the bed next to him "I can stay with you if you want."

He stayed still for a second , like an ice statue then nodded. The faintest smile appeared on his face.

"Thanks Buttercup." He yawned again.

The mansion was actually really quiet if you ignored Clyde's singing from downstairs.

"Kenny?" I murmured.

"Yeah?" He answered and stood up.

"Do you - you think I'm a screw up?" I asked , looking at him in the eye.

He frowned "No, you're the most amazing and magnificent person ever.Why?"

I shrugged "I don't know. I guess I always wondered why people treated me differently." I sighed.

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