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The video above belong to Zak Wood. Anyway this is proably not as long as I wanted it to because I didn't have time to write it. These next two weeks are gonna be busy as fuck with end of term tests and more homework and studying than usual so sorry. I'll still try to post twice a week.


Edited on: 21/08/23



Luckily, they were not.

I shouldn't have worried about it, really. My parents, even on a good day, don't spend an awful amount of time at home. On the off chance they were here, they probably would've been passed out but that's besides the point.

"Can someone tell me what the fuck is going on?" Kevin's speech became a bit more coherent and he seemed to have sobered up a bit but I still had to, unfortunately, drag his heavy ass up the stairs to my room.

"We will. Just give us a minute."

My friends were trailing behind me and given the severity of the situation, I didn't even feel like getting embarrassed over how dirty and grimy my place was.

We got to my room and I sat him down on the my ragged bed. Kyle brought an old but steady chair from our kitchen and I sat down in front of him.

Stan got a working lamp from my parents bedroom and Kyle drew the blinds.

Stan then turned on the lamp and placed it on the desk behind me, facing Kevin.

"Is this shit necessary?"

OK-maybe we were having too much fun with the setup. I felt like a police detective and shining the light in his face really made me feel the part.

"Yeah." Stan frowned at him, "Besides, this alleviates some of the tension. It's been a rough day, especially for Karen."

"Alleviate? Have you been looking through a thesaurus before we got here?"

"You're the one that keeps encouraging me to learn new things and now that I do, you have a problem with it? Are you scared I'm gonna become smarter than you?"

"...forget the thesaurus, did you hit your head on the way here?"

Kevin coughed awkwardly, "Uh...I'm still in the dark. Figuratively-Kenny, turn off the fucking lamp. Someone explain." Then, when he noticed the looks we were giving him, he added, "Please...?"

I sighed, " don't remember shit, do you?"

"...I remember passing out in a very dirty bathroom, if that's what you mean."


"Kevin," I began, "brother dearest, my beloved older sibling-did you or did you not ask me ask me to let you drop off Karen at school today?"

He sat there, dumbfounded like I just asked him to recite the whole Periodic Table in alphabetical order.

"No....?" The uncertainty in his words caught me by suprise.

"So then...." Stan trailed off, "...who did?"

"Who did what!? You guys are fucking talking in riddles. Do I look like Gollum to you? Don't answer that Kenny."

"I figured you were too illiterate to know about, much less read, the Hobbit." I lean back in my chair, exhaling loudly, "Kev-where the fuck were you all day?"

He shrugged, "Around, I suppose. Mostly in bars and shit. I don't really remember much, besides being kidnapped by you and your weird little friends, asshole." This was said with a small glare aimed at Stan and Kyle. Neither of them seemed particularly pleased with what he said but they'll get over it.

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