The Baseball Bat

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The video above belongs to anyyvink. Anyway I wish I could've posted sooner this week but it's been stressful as all hell and I had more homework than usual for some stupid reason but  this chapter is really long so :





The moment I opened the door, the first thing I saw was Tweek shaking like there's no tomorrow.

"Tweek honey, calm down." Craig appeared behind him, his face reassuring but he seemed alert all the same.

"Well then..." I trailed off, aware that the cup of coffee Tweek was holding was probably the 9th he had that day, "Come in."

The two of them walked in, holding hands. Tweek looked as if he was either ready to punch someone out of reflex or start crying. Both were possible, knowing him. Craig was silent. Which isn't weird but he usually has these snarky comments he throws at me all day. Him being in my house and having this much ammunition to throw at me, and not saying anything, was making me nervous.

Obviously, he was only trying to be sympathetic but it had the opposite effect on me. I thought he might slap me across the face. Or maybe he brought his boyfriend over to slap the shit out of me.

Oh no.

Pip was away, on holiday visiting his sister apparently, and I didn't even know until Damian mentioned it when he showed up. Sucks. Mostly because he was good at baking and would've made something really tasty for us to eat whilst I wallowed in my depression. But uh...obviously I miss him because he's my friend as well. Obviously.

We all sat in my room, talking. I could hear Kevin in Karen's room, whispering and her whispering back. I didn't want to listen in on their conversation so I tried my best to focus on what Kyle was trying to tell me.

"Those guys...they are around Kevin's age, right?"

I nodded, ""

"So? They're twice our size!" Stan sighed, rubbing his temples, "I suppose we could take one if jumped him all at once. And it's not like we'll bump into all of them at once, right?"

"No," I agreed, "We're going to their houses. You know, to tell their mommies. I guarantee you they all still live at home with their parents."

Craig cleared his throat, "Listen, I know I don't really give a shit about a lot of things. And even when I do, I don't always show it. But Kenny," he turned towards me and the fact he said my name instead of an insult or the usual McWhoredick, startled me, "if something like that happened to my sister, if anything remotely close to that happened to her, I would've burned down this whole town by now. You're my friend, man and I want you to know I have your back here. Alright?"

I was left speechless. After a moment, I let out a huff of laughter, "I think that's the most I've ever heard you speak at once, Craig." My laugh intensified when he glared at me and I patted his shoulder, "Don't worry dude. I know. And I appreciate it. Seriously." I turned to the others, "And you too. I know you would've rather be anywhere but here today."

Tweek took Craig's hand again and kissed the back of it, his voice quiet. "I agree with Craig. We're here because we're y-your friends, man. It''s kinda our job to help you out. And b-besides..." he gave me a wide grin and winked, "We've done worse things together right? W-what's a bit of assault and harassment compared to the s-s-shit we pulled off when we were younger."

"No kidding," Damian, for the first time in a while, spoke and he smiled too, although his was a lot more intimidating, "Say the word man and I'll turn them all into inanimate objects. Or pour oil down their ears and throat. Or-"

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