Boys night out

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Right I was supposed to post yesterday but forgot... Sorry.
Anyway I made this chapter a lot longer so


Kenny's Pov :

I decided to get everyone together so we can get Butters out for a treat.

Kyle is feeling much better , according to Stan, and will be able to tag along.

Even Craig and Tweek offered to come,much to my suprise. Damien didn't have anything else to do , so he's coming. Pip wasn't able to come because he has piano lessons every Sunday afternoon.

I was in Craig Fucker's car with the rest of the gang. We were all talking about the up coming, important football game.

" It will be a stressful day." Stan commented, his face turning pale just thinking about it.

Kyle grabbed his hand "You'll be fine."

Craig sniggered "Gayyyyy!"

"C-CRAIG!" Tweek shakily scolded his boyfriend as Kyle turned red in the face.

"Says you, Tucker." Damien interrupted.  I was laughing my ass off silently.

"I'm allowed to say that, I'm gay too." Craig smirked in triumph as Tweek rolled his eyes and drank some more of his coffee.

"I didn't know you got your license,  Craig." I stated with a raised eyebrow.

"I only had it for a week or so." Craig replied nonchalantly "I almost failed my driving test  because I couldn't stop the car when it was necessary. Almost ran a little lady over."

I laughed " You seem so calm about that."

He shrugged "Does it seem like I give a fuck, Mcwhoredick?"

"Not at all, Fucker but being in prison isn't the best expierence in the world." I responded coolly.

Stan frowned "How the fuck would you know?"

I turned around to face him, which was really hard and exhausting to do by the way, since Tucker's car is smaller than my self esteem.

"Do you know who you're talking to? Motherfucking Kenny Mccormick, that's who. I know a lot of things."  I stuck out my tongue at him.

"Alright we are here, get your shit and  exit my car ." Craig waved us out.

"Alright, alright . Jesus somebody's on his period." I muttered as I left the car.

"I heard that poor boy." Craig slammed the door shut.

"This is where Butters lives now? " Kyle asked,then coughed.

I nodded and made my way toward the entrance.

The door opened automatically and we stepped inside.

"How long is this gonna take?" Craig whined.

"Stop complaining and follow me." I shushed him as I led the others toward the information desk.

There was no one there.

" Mr Blose is on break. He should come back in five minutes time." A voice came from one the waiting benches.

There was a black haired boy, with brown eyes and a piercing in his right ear, staring at us.

He looked about our age.

"Who are you ?" Damien questioned.

The boy shrugged "Cole, I'm a resident here. Been in an orphanage all my life."

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