Break-Up Part 1

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The video above belongs to Hinami.

The following two chapters will be told from Stan's and Kyle's POV. This is obviously not correct in terms of formatting but since this is how 11 year old me thought to write all this, I gotta deal with it. Editing is hard. I'm doing my best with what I can here lol. I keep going through my old writing and I cringe so fucking hard-fun times and uh, side story I guess.

Edited: 6/09/21


"Wake up, you big worm."

...Did she throw a pillow at me? I had to open my eyes because of the impact and I obviously no longer felt safe now that I knew there was a psychotic bitch throwing things at me. A guy can't even take a nap in his own living room anymore, for fuck's sake.

"The fuck? Hey, why the hell are you here?" I threw the pillow back at her, an attempt at retaliation that I've been working on ever since entering high school. With my inability to aim for shit, I promptly missed and I must've knocked a glass off the counter in the kitchen because something broke. I cringed at the sound but I scrunched up my face again when I looked at my sister, "Didn't you leave state? You didn't tell anyone you were visiting."

"Why is it such a big deal?" I thought she was gonna chuck something else at me but she just glared, "You look like shit, by the way. Were you drooling?"

"God, shut up Shelly." At least she finally got rid of those annoying braces. Jesus, just listening to her talk made me want to euthanise myself. Shelly can speak more clearly now but she had formed a bit of a lisp over the years, "Did you get expelled or something? Mom and dad are gonna be so pissed."

I said this on my way to the bathroom. My sister didn't follow. Which is weird, because she would've beaten me to a pulp for even opening my mouth like this when we were younger. I guess maturity brings patience...? Didn't make her any nicer.

My sister was right though. I was a mess. Or at the very least, looked like one. No hat, my hair was sticking up in all directions somehow, clothes disheveled and I was really pale for some reason. Was I getting sick? Is this a bad omen?

"Do they even know you're here?" I yelled from the bathroom and I half expected her not to respond.

"No. Don't tell them or I'll break your ankles."

Good to know she still has her spunk.

It's still early. Couldn't she have let me sleep in for a little longer? Whatever, I guess I shouldn't have fallen asleep on the couch of all things. My back aches now.

Seeing as I have time until school starts, I just scrolled through my phone because wasting time is a specialty of mine. Almost absent-minded, I went through my contacts, out of habit more than anything else.


Contacts: (let's take a fucking guess at who's referring to here 💀)


Best Bro

Fucking FatAss

Mandarin Pervert




Butters 👋


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