The F in Friends Stands for Flirting

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This video belongs to American Dad.


Edited: 20/12/23


My parents finally let me come to school even though I still had a pretty strong cough.

I don't really care though because I missed hanging out with my friends.

And Kenny.

I don't know why I highlighted him like that.

I stayed outside in the playground, waiting for the others when someone grabbed my hand.

I was sort of pissed off before I even realised who it was. I'm not really a violent person but I don't like to be touched suddenly. I turned around to snap at whoever took my hand but was pleased to see it wasn't some random stranger.

"Oh it's you." I sighed in relief,  "What's up Clyde?"

Clyde, who happened to be only slightly taller than me but would brag about it to no end if given the chance, grinned down at me.

"Just wanted to say 'hi' really." He winked and it took everything in my power not to roll my eyes at him. He was entertaining, if nothing else, but Clyde had that disease some people get and can't seem to get rid of no matter how hard they try.

What was it again?

Ah yes, narcissism.

OK, that was unnecessary. He's just really confident, I suppose. And he is funny. But I feel as if he breaches other people's personal space way too much.

Correction, he breached MY personal space way too much.

Don't believe me? I was staring at him for like...30 seconds and he did not release my hand. Did not loosen his grip whatsoever. Like...please remove yourself, I'm scared of people outside of my own friend group.

"Why are you holding my hand?"

The only reasonable question I could have for him at the moment.

He shrugged, "You have very nice hands."

"Uhhh ....thanks?"

I didn't know how to respond to that. Then again, I struggle to respond to most compliments. Actually, I struggle in most social situations.

I'm getting off track.

Why is he still holding my hand??!!

"You know what, though?"

I glanced back up at him, "What?"

"I bet they would look better wrapped around-"


Kenny had materialised next to me (something I've grown accustomed to over the past few weeks) and had firmly placed his hands on my shoulder before steering me away from Clyde.

Kenny looked annoyed.

Well, he usually looks annoyed around Clyde. And he's always the first one to pipe up if he feels as if I might be in an uncomfortable situation. Which I appreciate, I suppose. I believe I can stand my own if necessary but I don't like being violent or aggressive in general.

I also don't seem to have any self-preservation skills.

I would be the first to die in a horror movie.

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