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This video belongs to Sugarberryart and it's one of my favourite South Park animations.
Anyway this chapter is a bit ....fucked up but not really.
There is gore detail in this chapter so you've been warned.



Butter's Pov :

Have you ever woken up in the morning and forgetting  where you are , who you are and how you are?

Well that's me this morning.  I've woken up in an unfamiliar room and hugged by someone. It took me about 3 minutes to realise I was at the aftermath of Token's party and that Kenny was the who was holding me.

I guess I always had feelings for him , even when that little voice in the back of my head kept telling me that it's not a good idea.

I never thought he liked me back so yesterday night or this morning more exactly since it was 1:00 when we confessed, took me by suprise.

And he's now holding me for dear life. I think if he held me any tighter I would suffocate.

But it's not that bad, it's actually rather comfortable here.

I heard the door being opened and I pretended to be asleep because I didn't want to be questioned as to why I'm just staying there doing nothing. It's too embarrassing.

I can tell by the monotone voice it was Craig and in a few seconds,  Kenny bolted out of bed.

I almost gave myself away laughing but they soon left the room and I could stand up properly . My left leg was numb but rather than that, I was fine.

I checked my phone and saw I missed a phone call because my phone was on mute.

It was from my mom.

I could just ignore the fact she called me because I know I'm gonna be grounded anyway, but I'm not that kind of person.

So I call her again.


"Hey, mom?" The voice didn't sound familiar.

"I'm sorry , sir , are you Leopold Stoch?"


"I'm sorry to inform you that your parents have been involved in a horrible car crash last night ."

For a moment , my whole world stops.

How should I feel about this?


"Oh sorry, what hospital?"

"Hells Pass Hospital, sir."

I should've known that, it's been one of the most popular hospitals in south Park for years now.

"I'm on my way."

With that I ended the phone call and started getting my shoes on.

Kenny barged in , looking like he's seen a ghost but his facial expression changing completely after he entered.

"What happened  Butterscotch?" He asked rubbing his eyes. 

"Nothing."  I told you many times I'm not that good of a liar.

"You can tell me." He said , brushing his messy hair out of his face.

"I'll tell you later." And I will.

Without another word I run past him and exited the room.

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