10 Years Later

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Of course I'm gonna end the book with everyone having a happy ending after getting married and adopting children.  This will be a very very very long chapter .



Kenny's Pov :

When I was in fourth grade , I didn't really care  if gay marriage would be allowed or not.

True, I did know my sexuality at a very young age but I just couldn't see myself settling down with another boy and getting married. Or girl for the matter of fact.

Until the age of 15 I just liked partying and literally fucking anything with a pulse. The sad bit is I'm not even kidding.

Then Butters came along and pretty much my whole world changed . I will admit , I was wary of him at first.  But he made his way toward my heart over the course of two months and to be honest, I was so busy being in love with him and shit, I forgot  about my goal to sleep with every single person at my school ( excluding my friends).

Butters had to spent two years in the orphanage before he could leave and start his  life, again.  He denies it but I know he still misses his parents.
Not the best birth givers in the world but  Butters was devasted when they passed away .   As awful as they were, Linda and Steven Stotch were his parents.

Speaking of  parents, mine are still merely alive, sadly. Not that I don't love them but they are always  at each others throats. I wish they could get a divorce or something because that would be the best for everyone.
I still visit them when I can  though.

Back to the wedding subject, you can  infer that I was the one to propose to him and I did.  I was smiling like a fucking idiot when he said yes.
We were about 19  and I   proposed to him in Stark's Pond and this time I  made sure not to  tell a soul about my plan. I didn't want to have Clyde hiring a fucking Mexican band at my proposal too.

After I proposed I took Butters to see some houses where we might move in. We found a nice one at a reasonable price and moved in a couple days later. It was magic.

Most of our friends live near by actually. Clyde and Token live the nearest ,  a couple of houses to the right.

After a few months,  me and Butters decided we should try and adopt a kid. It was Butter's idea and to be fair I was more excited than him. I was bouncing happily around the house until I bounced straight into a wall.

I didn't jump about after that.


The only argument I ever had with Butters was about the gender of child we were going to adopt.

" We should get a girl though."

" But I always wanted to have a boy Ken."

" You're making a big deal out of this Butters."

So we came up with a solution.

Since we couldn't decide what gender we want, we   adopted twins! A boy and a girl.

Boom. Take that Kyle for telling me I'm immature and dumb in fifth grade.


The whole process took weeks but we finally got a hold of the two  cutest, most precious kids in the world.

"Ken, can I hold them?"





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