I won't leave you

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This video belongs to itchifutsu. So this chapter will have lots of Bunny fluff in it so prepear for cuteness.



Kenny's Pov :

Alright so after Butters left Token's house I had the worst hangover of my life, I honestly don't think I left the bathroom for three hours straight. The good news is at least I wasn't the only one, but I wish I wouldn't need to see Clyde puking everywhere.

"Thanks for the party my man, see you later!" I said smirking .

Token nodded "No problemo."

"When everyone leaves you'll have time with your boyfriend ." I sniggered as I left the house.

"Shut the fuck up." And the door closed in my face.

I never actually saw it coming, Clyde and Token, together. I'll still never get that image out of my head.

Oh wait, isn't Token dating Nichole? Oh scandal!

I was planning on walking home when I realised I should call Butters . He seemed so worried when he left and I can't help but feel like it's my fault.


"Buttercup? Are you alright?" I could hear his heavy breathing from the other side.

"I'm fine."

"Where are you?" I needed to know.

"Hells Pass Hospital."

My eyes widened "WHAT?ARE YOU OK,HURT?" I knew I shouldn't have left him alone.

Oh God I knew I was dumb but this whole situation made me sweat bullets.

"I'm not hurt."

I sighed in relief , I've been literally sweating.

"Do you want me to come over?"
I may sound a bit clingy, I mean I never really left his side for weeks.

There was silence on the other end and then a small "Please..." Then he ended the call.

I put my phone away, why would he be in the Hospital if he wasn't hurt or sick?

I made my way toward that ugly but useful hospital. I'm suprised it's still standing after 8 years .

"Hey dude!" I got pulled out of my thoughts by none other than Stanny boy.

"Hey Stan, what's up?" I asked. He and Kyle left yesterday and even though he wasn't extremely drunk he wasn't sober either , so I actually thought he was involved in a car crash or something.

"I went to the pharmacy to get Kyle some aspirins and something for his fever." He replied.

I raised an eyebrow "Huh?"

He sighed " Kyle was feeling sick earlier today , so I went to buy him something for the headaches and the fever and something that hopefully stop his vomiting."

I nodded "Wait didn't you just drop Kyle home last night?"

"Well, I actually brought him to my house for the night." Stan looked flushed, I've never seen him blush like that.

I shrugged . I can't make fun of him for that, he just went into overprotective mode last night because of Bebe . I would've done the same thing to be honest.

"Where are you going?" He questioned .

"To Hells Pass Hospital." I stated "Which I should probably get to faster, sorry Stan , gotta go!"

I ran away from a confused Stan. I can't believe I actually forgot about Butters , oh God someone slap me.

I arrived at the damn hospital , out of breath. Hell the nurses looked as if they would drag me in for a control as well.

"Umm, excuse me? I'm looking for Leopold Stotch." I said even though I knew they wouldn't have registered Butters , since he said he was fine."

She looked at me apologetically "No Leopold but a Mrs. And Mr Stotch have been registered in room 301."

I frowned then nodded, as I backed away from the desk. A horrible image starting to form in my head.

It took me a while to find the room but I found it at one point, after half an hour of searching the hospital.

"Butters?" I opened the door and peeped inside.

Butters was sitting on the floor curled up in a ball , quietly sobbing to himself.

I rushed inside and my first instinct was the hug him, so that's what I did.

"Please don't cry Butterscotch, I'm begging you." I can't stand it when he cries .

He turned around to face me . He's eyes were puffy and red, his knuckles white.

He stared at me "They're gone Ken,what am I going to do?"

He embraced me this time, panting and crying softly. I looked up at the beds next us and it hit me.

I didn't realise the lifeless bodies in here , eyes opened wide and the heart beat monitor beside them, which was turned off.

"The doctor said they had two days Kenny, why did they leave so early?" Butters whimpered as I hugged him tighter.

"I don't know Buttercup, it'll be alright."

He looked at me again "How bad is it in Hell , Kenny?"

The question took me by suprise and my lip trembled .

"It's not as bad as it seems but I'm sure they are not gonna end up in Hell." I said doubtfully. His parents are demons in human forms , anyone could tell.

He shook his head "Well I'm sure they are gonna end up in Hell. They are horrible people. Maybe the world's better off without them." He paused "But I didn't want them to leave."

I kissed the top of his head " Don't worry Buttercup, we'll be fine."

He smiled for a second but it soon disappeared.

"What's going to happen to me Ken?" He asked his voice shaky "I'm still just 16, I still need adult supervision until I'm 18."

"I don't know Buttercup, but whatever happens , I won't leave you. That's a promise."

I'm so sorry this chapter is short. I just didn't have the time today.

But I have a problem , so I'm still debating wether to put Butters in an orphanage or to place him in the care of his grandma or some other relative.

Which one would you prefer?

Anyway next chapter comes either on Friday or Saturday.

Bye you lot😋

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