Nightmare Part 2

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The video above belongs to dare echo.  I decided this chapter will be really long.

Hope you enjoy!

Updated: 15/06/23


I came back, involuntarily as always, and woke up in my bed, bleary eyed and disoriented as all Hell.

And then I just felt sick. Like, 'I'm-gonna-pull-a-Stan-and-vomit-all-over-the-carpet' kind of sick. Very common practice among alcoholics.

Though, of course, my nausea did not come from a nasty hangover or the common cold or anything like that. I laid there, staring at the ceiling for a good hour, thinking about Butters. Well, mostly wondering if he got hypothermia or something for sitting out in the cold for so long. My stomach hurt and I couldn't tell whether it was because I was pancaked into the cement of the street outside Stan's house yesterday or because I was hungry or something else.

I got out of bed and slowly went to my small but surprisingly useful bathroom, looking at my reflection carefully. I looked fine. Really. Like, maybe slightly paler than normal but nothing to write home about. Still, it didn't feel as if I was looking at myself at all and for some reason, I felt like crying.

After I was done in the bathroom, I checked my phone and was surprised to see a text from my usually drunk but otherwise alright brother, Kevin.

Though, I'll be honest-I forgot about his existence.

We don't talk much and I see him even less so it shouldn't come as a huge shock or anything. We were never particularly close but we barely ever had fights either so we've always been amicable towards each other. It's like...spending time with the friend of a friend who you don't really know that well so it's just awkward even if they're not mean or anything.
Kevin🍺: Hey Ken?

Kenny 👉👌: Yeah?

Kevin 🍺:  I just wanted to tell you I'm taking Karen to school today.

Kenny👉👌: Oh...Ok thanks, I guess

Kevin 🍺: Bye

Kenny👉👌: Bye...?
I frowned, looking down at my phone. This was weird. He never offered to take Karen to school. That's usually because he's busy, schoolwork (he worked pretty hard to get into college-not an incredibly fancy one or anything but still) and now that's he's here for a couple of months, he likes spending his time with his friends. Getting drunk. As you do in your free time as an aspiring young adult.

Still, the texts were weird. I know I don't talk to him often but he has a very distinct way of texting so the way he phrased everything here felt off. I trust him, of course I do, because he loves Karen just as much as I do and was excited to actually spend more time with her but the whole ordeal made me feel uneasy.

I got dressed in my normal parka and made my way downstairs. It was silent. My parents were either gone or asleep.

I walked to the bus station, out of habit.

We are in the 10th grade but we still do this shit every morning. Well, maybe not every morning. Stan can drive now and as soon as he gets a car, he won't need to take the bus anymore. Not to mention, most of us live within a walkable distance from our houses to school. And we all hate Cartman. But tradition is tradition is tradition is-

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