My awesome step-sister + what happened at Chili's

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Okay, so last (Sunday, I believe?) when I came home from my grandparents, my step-sister was there. I was feeding the dogs and my step-sis, my dad, my bro and sis were in the room. My step-sister said suddenly "Soo, (birthname), everyone already knows that you're transgender. Do you want to be referred to as a boy?" 

And half of me was screaming "DUDE MY DAD IS IN HERE I DON'T WANT HIM TO SAY SOME MEAN SHIT" and the other half of me was like "ok man this is pretty awesome that she's asking me what I want to be called :)"

I didn't really say anything and after I finished feeding the dogs, I just went into my room. She went in there after me and started talking to me. I was basically just laying on my bed and she sat next to me and said "so do you want to start being referred to as a boy?" and I just nodded my head (side note: I am very socially awkward, even around certain members of my family, especially ones who I don't talk to often) and she said "Well I know some transgender people and they pick a new name for them self. Is there another name that you want to be called?" and I just kind of mumbled "Tyler" and she told me she liked that name.

Then my dad came into the room and said (referring to me) "hey I think it's about time she ate something" and my step-sister said instantly "HE. It's HE." and once again I was struck with the half of my brain screaming "FUCK STOP IT HE'LL SAY SOMETHING" and the other half that was like ":) :) :) :)"

But seriously man, every time that someone calls me my birthname, she might not even be in the room but I'll just hear her say "TYLER. IT'S TYLER" and it's really nice that she's giving this much effort into respecting me. 

I personally have a hard time correcting people, because of my social anxiety and I'm afraid I'm being annoying. When ever my bio sister messes up I kind of just look at her like -.- and she just says sorry. I mean it's ok for people to mess up, like, I expect that at first. But she doesn't really try to correct herself. Except the other day she deadnamed me and I gave her a look and she just said "SORRY, uh, um, MAN... person" and I started laughing my ass off. Yes. Man-person. My true identity. XD

(also once we were messing around calling each other stupid names and  I swear to God that I heard her call me "vagina boy" and I started crying of laughter and was like "adkhfdk did you just call me Vagina Boy?" and she was like "what?? no! I said Johnny Boy")

So my step-sister is awesome and now to what happened at Chili's.

So that night I went to Chili's with my dad and I was wearing this giant green hoodie, because I was really dysphoric that day. When we sat down at our table, the waitress tried to ask my dad what I wanted, but I could tell that she didn't know what to call me because she couldn't tell what my gender was. And my dad just said "Oh, she's my daughter" and internally I was like "SCREAM" 

Later, I needed to use the restroom, so naturally I used the women's and I became slightly worried that someone would see me as a boy and get mad at me for using the women's. Nobody said anything though and when I left and was heading back to my table, this waitress needed to get around me and she said "excuse me sir" and I was just thinking "ME?" and I looked around and saw nobody else she could have been talking to and it made me SO happy. 

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