Feeling "Not real"

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(First of all sorry for taking a million years to update. I just havent had anything that I felt worthy enough to write about)

So I was watching a trans YouTuber's livestream the other day and he said something that I related to a lot.

Even though he knows he's a guy, he always feels like he'll never be a "real" guy. Which of course, he is a real guy. He said that he has a lot of trans guy friends and when hes hanging out with them, he doesnt even think about the fact that they're trans, he forgets that they're trans, he just sees them as guys. But he still always feels like he'll never be a "real" guy.

And I swear I relate to that so hard. I know I'm a guy. A real guy. But I always just feel like I'm never going to be good enough, or seen as a real guy. And any time I see another trans guy, I just see them as a normal guy. Yet I feel like I'm not "real". I dont know. I guess this because of dysphoria. Like it's just whispering "hey hey hey you're not real, you look like a girl. You sound like a girl. Nobody is going to see you as a guy. You're not real." Even though I know I AM real.

It really sucks.

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