Chapter seventeen

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Rye's P.O.V

Brook is upstairs in the hotel room with Jack, me and the others came down stairs into the canteen to give them some space. I'm sure we'll find out what happened later, by later I didn't expect now.

"Guys look on twitter a second," Mikey says, I get out my phone and see #roadtripisover trending on twitter.
"I wonder what happened," Andy says,
"It looks like something to do with me," Mikey shows us a hate comment directed at him. I keep scrolling till I find a tweet saying:

"I can't believe Jack from Roadtrip told a fan Mikey put Andy in crutches!"

"Mikey," I show him my phone,
"Oh god, Jack told a fan?!"
"I'm sure he didn't do it on purpose," I add sticking up for him,
"Only one way to know," he stands up and and starts walking to the hotel room, we all follow him leaving all our half finished drinks at the table.

Mikey knocks heavily on the door and there is no answer, "here I've got another key," Blair hands him another key and he opens the door to see Brook walking to open it.
"No need to knock that hard you'll wake up Jack," Brook points to Jack who's fast asleep on the bed.
"He told the fans about what I did!" Mikey shouts making Jack stir from his sleep.
"He didn't mean to, look watch the video," Brook finds it in his phone and gives it to Mikey I watch over his shoulder.

"What happened to Andy when he had crutches?" Says a squeaky voice behind the camera says,
"Mikey hi..." Jack stutters,
"Mikey did it?" The same voice asks,
"No... I..." Jack turns away from the camera and the video ends.

"It does look like he said it on accident," I suggest,
"But look at this..." Mikey's voice cuts of as he shows us a tweet:

'I can't believe Mikey nearly killed Andy I thought this band was ok, Mikey should just kill himself tbh #roadtripisover'

"Mikey don't listen to them," Andy wraps his arm around him. "Come on sit down we can all talk about it," Andy says as we all sit around Jack who's sat up now.

"They all hate me!" Mikey cries into Andy's shoulder, "They want me... to die. I ruined the band I'm sorry," he whimpers.
"Shhh, we can figure this out," Andy calms him.

"So anyone got any plans?" Blair asks,
"We could tell them something else to distract them," I suggest,
"Like what?" He asks I shrug my shoulders,
"Me and Jack could tell everyone we're together?"
"You think that would get hate?" Andy asks,
"A bit of both but, it's a distraction," Brook continues, "you ok with that Jack?"
"Yeah sure, when do we tell them?"
"Manchester tomorrow? We could have like a chat with the fans at the end of the show,"
"Sounds good," Mikey says sadness still in his voice,
"I say we make the show free, more people will get tickets then, more people will hear, more people will film it,"
"Ok let's do it..."

Hope you liked the second to last chapter!!!!
Thanks so much for 3k aswell that's insane!!
I'll upload the last chapter tomorrow x
Don't forget after this story I will be writing another one called last day of summer which is going to be based on Jacklyn so please read that too.

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