Chapter eleven

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Rye's P.O.V

Ever since I asked out Andy we've been meeting up almost every day sometimes Jack and Brook join too. It's clear they both like each other but I think Jack's abit too scared about what everyone thinks at the minute.

Me and Andy are having the best time ever been together, we meet up almost every single day, and it makes me so happy just to be with him. We're still not public about our "relationship" only me Andy, Jack, Brook and Andy's mum know. I'm not ready to make it public yet, as much as I love Andy, I care too much, i care what people will think when they find out I'm bi, scared of been bullied, scared of falling out with Mikey and Harvey and scared of loosing my label as a "popular" kid.

I've also not even told my parents about my sexuality yet I'm too scared of there judgment. But I'm going to tell them soon... tonight...

I get home from an average friday at school, I see my mum sat on the sofa nows my chance. "Hey mum can I talk to you," I bite my lip,
"Yes sure," she turns the tv down a few notches
"I... I'm bisexual," I look down not wanting to see her reaction
"Rye that's amazing!" She hugs me,
"And I've got a boyfriend, he's called Andy," I smile still holding her in a hug.
"I can't wait to meet him!"

"Meet who?" My dad grumbles as he walks in the room
"My boyfriend," I say clearly,
"What boyfriend! You're gay!?"
"Bisexual," I correct him hesitantly,
"Oh come on he's still our son, we should support him," I smile at mum as she sticks up for me.
"He's no son of mine," dad spits.

I run into my room letting the tears of been holding back fall I throw all the stuff I need into a bad and run down stairs ignoring mum and dad arguing,
"Where are you going now?!" He stops me in the doorway,
"Anywhere away from here," I try to calm my crying.
"I love you Ryan," mum smiles as I leave the house,
"Love you mum," I sob slamming the door as I run out into the coldness of the night. I go to the only place I feel comfortable and safe. The tree.

I lay in the shelter of the tree and curl up in a ball to keep warm. I watch the rain, that's just started to fall, hit the ground as I fall into an uneasy sleep.

Andy's P.O.V

I haven't heard from Rye since last night, he hasn't replied to any of my texts. He usually answers my texts. I set of walking to the tree, when I get there I see him payed underneath it curled up like he's been there all night.

"Rye?" I ask softly, he looks up at me, his full body shaking from the cold and his eyes sore from crying. "Rye what happened? Please tell me you haven't been out here all night," he nods but doesn't say anything. "Ok I'm taking you back to your house," he breaks the silence
"No," his voice cracks "I can't go back! I told them... mum and dad about me been bi... mum was fine with it... dad he..." he starts crying again.
"Don't worry... you can come to mine." I kiss his head and he uses all his strength to stand up. I give him my jumper and keep my arms wrapped around him as we walk back to mine.

I open the door and help him inside, he's still shaking, "MUM! COME DOWN HERE!" I yell,
"Andy what's wrong?" She asks as she gets to the bottom of the stairs,
"It's Rye, he told his parents you know about been with me and stuff, his dad kicked him out, he slept out last night can he stay?" I panic.
"Yes of course, Rye come here," she hugs him before leading him into the sitting room and making him a hot drink.

After a while Rye seems to relax, I can't believe what happened to him. I can't imagine how much pain he's going through. He doesn't deserve any of this, but at least he's safe now.

A/N: Heyy hope you liked this chapter it will be the last one I post for two weeks or so. That's why I made it a little longer.

Thanks for all reading so far and after my holiday I'll carry on with regular updates xx

I'll write in two weeks x
770 words


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