Chapter ten

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Get ready...

Rye's P.O.V

I'm on the way to the hospital to see Andy, Jack's just told be about Mikey nearly unplugging his life support, I'm never leaving him again, ever. I rush down the ward just wanting to see that his heart is still beating.

I was right about Mikey, I blamed him for the accident, I didn't know that was entirely true. It's actually all his fault.

I run in to the room and pull up a stool next to his bed. I entwined my fingers in his as I always do and whispered quietly to him. "I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have left you here on your own. Mikey, he could've killed you, if I was here it wouldn't have happened. I'm not leaving again," I kiss him on the head.

"Do you want a drink?" Jack asks
"No I'm ok thanks," I smile "you should go find Brook see if he's ok." Jack gets up and leaves, I sit next to Andy for a few hours singing and talking to him.

"Excuse me, you will have to leave now," a nurse enters the room,
"I've stayed overnight before, what's the difference tonight?"
"We are running some tests on Andy tonight,"
"What for?"
"Well he's been unconscious 3 weeks and 3 days now most people don't last longer than 4 weeks, we want to see his chances of recovery."
"So you're saying he's going to... to die,"
"No sir that's not what I'm saying..."
"Then what are you saying?" I cut her off.
"The tests will give us more details... but I was merely suggesting that Andy may not recover from this state."
"You're wrong!" I sob "You're lying he's going to be fine! He's going to wake up!"
"Please sir, let us run these tests,"
"I'm not leaving him."

The nurse gives in and lets me stay, I'm ordered to move to the sofa across the room and I fall asleep  while the doctors do their tests on him.

As soon as I wake up the next morning I rush back to his bed side. That's when I see his eyes flutter, "Andy?" His eyes flutter again before slowly opening, I break down in tears of happiness before looking back into his beautiful blue eyes.

"R... Rye?" He croaks as he extends his frail arm to reach my face, he uses all his strength to pull me into him and I kiss him softly. I can't stop smiling as I look at him, he's very weak but he's conscious.
"Hold on, I'll get you a nurse," I leave the room and call for a nurse, "It's Andy! He's woken up!" I cry, the same nurse from last night enters the room.

"Well you were right last night sir,"
"Sorry for been rude," I apologise
"Don't worry about that," she smiles. She checks over him before calling in a doctor to check how he's doing.
"Right so now we'll keep checking in on Andy, but everything looks as good as it can at the moment, it seems Andy will make a full recovery and be home in no time," the doctor tells me with a smile.
"That's amazing! Thank you so much!" I say as he leaves the room.

"Andy I missed you so much," I smile, tears of happiness still streaming down my face,
"I... miss... missed you... too, I'm sleepy..."
"You go to sleep then, but not for 3 weeks this time," he smiles. I missed his smile so much.
"I love you... Rye,"
"Love you too," I kiss him on the head as he goes back to sleep.

I missed him so much it's unbelievable, nothing will ever ever beat looking into his beautiful eyes, his soft lips on mine or just the sound his soft voice that I've been missing for 4 years. I can't believe he woke up...

Andy's awake!!!!!
Hope you all liked this chapter I've rewrote it so many times and it's still not how I want it but it'll have to do x

Also tysm for 1.7k reads can we get 2k soon ?? X That would be amazing, knowing that, that many people have clicked on this story!

Hope you all enjoyed it I'll update asap x

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